The Interior Point Nonlinear Programming Solver -- Experimental |
Often there are constraints with both lower and upper bounds, i.e., . These constraints are called range constraints . The IPNLP solver can handle range constraints in an efficient way. Consider the following NLP problem:
where the values of the parameters , are shown in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2: Data for Example 31 | 85.334407 | 5 | 80.51249 | 9 | 0.0047026 |
2 | 0.0056858 | 6 | 0.0071317 | 10 | 0.0012547 |
3 | 0.0006262 | 7 | 0.0029955 | 11 | 0.0019085 |
4 | 0.0022053 | 8 | 0.0021813 | 12 | 0.0019085 |
The initial point used is . You can call the IPNLP solver within PROC OPTMODEL to solve this problem by writing the following SAS code:
proc optmodel; number l {1..5} = [78 33 27 27 27]; number u {1..5} = [102 45 45 45 45]; number a {1..12} = [85.334407 0.0056858 0.0006262 0.0022053 80.51249 0.0071317 0.0029955 0.0021813 9.300961 0.0047026 0.0012547 0.0019085]; var x {j in 1..5} >= l[j] <= u[j]; minimize obj = 5.35*x[3]^2 + 0.83*x[1]*x[5] + 37.29*x[1] - 40792.141; con constr1: 0 <= a[1] + a[2]*x[2]*x[5] + a[3]*x[1]*x[4] - a[4]*x[3]*x[5] <= 92; con constr2: 0 <= a[5] + a[6]*x[2]*x[5] + a[7]*x[1]*x[2] + a[8]*x[3]^2 - 90 <= 20; con constr3: 0 <= a[9] + a[10]*x[3]*x[5] + a[11]*x[1]*x[3] + a[12]*x[3]*x[4] -20 <= 5; x[1] = 78; x[2] = 33; x[3] = 27; x[4] = 27; x[5] = 27; solve with ipnlp; print x; quit;
The summaries and the optimal solution are shown in Output 7.3.1.
Output 7.3.1: Summaries and the Optimal Solution
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