The OPTLSO Procedure

Example 3.2 Using MPS Format

In this example, the linear component of the same problem definition as in Example 3.1 is described by using the OPTMODEL procedure and is saved as an MPS data set. The quadratic objective is then defined by using the FCMP function QUADOBJ.

Because PROC OPTMODEL outputs an MPS data set that uses array notation, you can use the following macro definition to strip brackets from the resulting data set:

%macro lsompsmod(setold,setnew);
   data &setnew(drop=i);
      set &setold;
      array FC{*} _CHARACTER_;
      do i=1 to dim(FC); 
         FC[i] = compress(FC[i], "[]"); 

For more complicated array structures, take care to ensure that the resulting transformation is well defined. Next, you run a PROC OPTMODEL step that outputs a MPS data set, followed by the newly defined %LSOMPSMOD macro to strip brackets, followed by a PROC OPTLSO step that takes as input the MPS data set that was output by PROC OPTMODEL and transformed by the %LSOMPSMOD macro.

proc optmodel;  
   var x{1..13} >= 0 <= 1; 
   for {i in 10..12} x[i].ub = 100;
   min z = 0;
   con a1: 2*x[1] + 2*x[2] + x[10] + x[11] <= 10;
   con a2: 2*x[1] + 2*x[3] + x[10] + x[12] <= 10;
   con a3: 2*x[1] + 2*x[3] + x[11] + x[12] <= 10;
   con a4: -8*x[1] + x[10] <= 0;
   con a5: -8*x[2] + x[11] <= 0;
   con a6: -8*x[3] + x[12] <= 0;
   con a7: -2*x[4] - x[5] + x[10] <= 0;
   con a8: -2*x[6] - x[7] + x[11] <= 0;
   con a9: -2*x[8] - x[9] + x[12] <= 0;
   save mps lindataOld;

%lsompsmod(lindataOld, lindata);

proc optlso
   mpsdata   = lindata
   objective = objdata;
   performance nthreads=2;

Output 3.2.1 shows the output from running these steps.

Output 3.2.1: Using MPS Format

The OPTLSO Procedure

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 2
Parallel Mode Deterministic

Problem Summary
Problem Type NLP
Objective Definition Set OBJDATA
Number of Variables 13
Integer Variables 0
Continuous Variables 13
Number of Constraints 9
Linear Constraints 9
Nonlinear Constraints 0
Objective Definition Source OBJDATA
Objective Sense Minimize

Solution Summary
Solution Status Function convergence
Objective -15.0009821
Infeasibility 0.0009821034
Iterations 25
Evaluations 2620
Cached Evaluations 2757
Global Searches 1
Population Size 160
Seed 1