Macro Variable _ORCLPEAS_
When you specify the EVALACTSEL=
option to evaluate activity selection strategies for a scheduling problem, the CLP procedure defines a macro variable named
_ORCLPEAS_. This variable contains a character string that describes the solution attempt made with each selection strategy.
The macro variable contains four terms for each selection strategy that is evaluated; these terms are interpreted as follows:
indicates the activity selection strategy being evaluated.
indicates the amount of time taken to evaluate the activity selection strategy. By default, the time reported is CPU time;
see the TIMETYPE=
option for more information.
indicates the index of the solution in the output data set, provided that a solution has been found. Otherwise, SOLUTION=NOT_FOUND.
indicates the reason a solution was not found. The reason can be either TIME_LIMIT_REACHED or RESTART_LIMIT_REACHED. This
term is included only when SOLUTION=NOT_FOUND.
indicates the maximum number of activities selected within the evaluation time.