Return code for the
method. For
more information, see Return Code.
Specifies to get all
of the attributes that are documented for the requested metadata type
in its Attributes table, and all of the associations that are documented
in its Associations table, whether they have values stored for them
or not. The results include both unique and inherited attributes and
associations. If the returned XML stream includes references to any
associated objects, GetMetadata returns only general, identifying
information for the associated objects.
New in SAS 9.3, instructs
the SAS Metadata Server to use a type definition from the SAS type
dictionary to expand the specified object's metadata definition. The
server reads the values in the object's PublicType and UsageVersion
attributes to determine which type definition to use to process the
Passed indicator for
Enables a client to
make a metadata request for another user. For more information,
see <DOAS> Option.
In SAS 9.3, there are
two ways to specify templates. You can specify a metadata type and
properties to return directly in the <TEMPLATES> element. Or,
you can specify multiple templates, each contained within a <TEMPLATE>
subelement in the <TEMPLATES> element. Either way, the <TEMPLATES>
element must be specified with the OMI_TEMPLATE flag. For more information,
see Using Templates.
<!-- Create a metadata list to be passed to GetMetadata method --> inMetadata= "<PhysicalTable Id="A5345678.A5000001" Name="" Desc=""> <Columns/> </PhysicalTable>"; ns="SAS"; flags=0; options=""; rc=GetMetadata(inMetadata, outMetadata, ns, flags, options); <!-- outMetadata XML string returned --> <PhysicalTable Id="A5345678.A5000001" Name="New Table" Desc="New Table added through API"> <Columns> <Column Id="A5345678.A3000001" Name="New Column" Desc="New Column added through API"/> <Column Id="A5345678.A3000002" Name="New Column2" Desc="New Column2 added through API"/> </Columns> </PhysicalTable>
<!-- XML string for inMetadata parameter of DoRequest method call --> <GetMetadata> <Metadata> <PhysicalTable Id="A5345678.A500001" Name="" Desc=""> <Columns/> </PhysicalTable> </Metadata> <NS>SAS</NS> <Flags>0</Flags> <Options/> </GetMetadata>