Combining GetMetadata Flags

When OMI_SUCCINCT (2048) is added to any flag combination, only attributes that are not null and only associations that have associated objects defined are returned.
When OMI_ALL (1) and OMI_ALL_SIMPLE (8) are set together, the SAS Metadata Server gets all attributes and direct associations for the requested object, and all attributes of the associated objects returned by OMI_ALL.
When OMI_ALL_SIMPLE (8) and OMI_TEMPLATE (4) are set together, the SAS Metadata Server gets all attributes for the specified object and all attributes for associated objects that are returned by the template.
When OMI_ALL (1) and OMI_TEMPLATE (4) are set together, the SAS Metadata Server gets all possible attributes and associations for the specified object and the Id attribute of associated objects returned by the OMI_ALL flag or template.
When OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES (16) is set without OMI_TEMPLATE and a template, it is ignored. When OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES and OMI_TEMPLATE (4) are set together, the SAS Metadata Server gets the properties requested in the <TEMPLATES> element for the objects specified in the <METADATA> element if they are the same metadata type or a subtype of the metadata type specified in the template.