If you have a set of
objects for which you want to get common properties, you can use the
GetMetadata method and set the OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES (16) and OMI_TEMPLATE
(4) flags.
In the request:
Specify the metadata type and Id
values of the objects for which you want to get properties in the
<METADATA> element.
Specify additional properties that
you want to get in one or more templates in a <TEMPLATES> element
within the <OPTIONS> element. The templates that you specify
must reference a metadata type that either matches or is a supertype
of the metadata types specified in the <METADATA> element, as
defined in the SAS Metadata Model.
instructs the GetMetadata method to get the properties specified in
the templates for the objects specified in the <METADATA> element.
The OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES flag applies the templates to objects that
are subtypes of the metadata types specified in the templates.
The following is an
example of a GetMetadata method call that requests common properties
from multiple objects. It is simple because it specifies one template:
<PhysicalTable Id="A58SW16P.B1000001"/>
<Person Id="A58SW16P.AP0001JL"/>
<Event Id="A58SW16P.B3000001"/>
<WorkTable Id="A58SW16P.B4000001"/>
<Document Id="A58SW16P.AY0000RT"/>
<Root Name="" Desc="" UsageVersion="">
In the method call,
note the following:
The <METADATA> element specifies
five metadata objects from which to get properties.
The <NS> element specifies
the SAS namespace.
The <FLAGS> element specifies
the OMI_TEMPLATE and OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES (4 +16 = 20) flags.
The <OPTIONS> element includes
a <TEMPLATES> element and specifies a template that instructs
the method to get attributes and associations for the Root metadata
type. The Root metadata type is the supertype of all of the metadata
types defined in the SAS Metadata Model. Therefore, the properties
requested for the Root object are returned for all of the objects
specified in the <METADATA> element.
The following is an
example of the output returned by the SAS Metadata Server:
<PhysicalTable Id="A58SW16P.B1000001" Name="Patient Information"
Desc="Information describing an individual patient." UsageVersion="0">
<Person Id="A58SW16P.AP0001JL" Name="Created Person 1" Desc="Person created for
GetMetadata" UsageVersion="0">
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JL" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JM" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
<Event Id="A58SW16P.B3000001" Name="Event 1 for GetMetadata" Desc="Event added"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JN" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JO" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
<WorkTable Id="A58SW16P.B4000001" Name="WorkTable 1 for getmet"
Desc="WorkTable added" UsageVersion="0">
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JP" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JQ" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
<Document Id="A58SW16P.AY0000RT" Name="Document 1 for getmet" Desc="doc added"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JR" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JS" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
In the output, note
the following:
The GetMetadata method returned
the Name, Desc, and UsageVersion attribute values for all of the objects
specified in the <METADATA> element.
The PhysicalTable object had no
Extension objects associated with it through the Extensions association.
The Person, Event, WorkTable, and Document objects each had two Extension
objects defined through the Extensions association.
The method attempted to list Extension
objects that were associated to the Extension objects (because Extension
is a subtype of Root), but none were found.
The values of Name, Desc, and UsageVersion
attributes were also returned for the Extension objects (because Extension
is a subtype of Root).
The following is an
example of a GetMetadata method call that sets the OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES
flag and specifies multiple templates in the <TEMPLATES> element.
When you specify more than one template in the <TEMPLATES> element,
the order in which the templates are specified is important. The
templates are applied in the order specified. If two or more templates
apply to the same metadata type, the first template found is applied.
The other templates are ignored. For example:
<PhysicalTable Id="A58SW16P.B1000001"/>
<Person Id="A58SW16P.AP0001JL"/>
<Event Id="A58SW16P.B3000001"/>
<WorkTable Id="A58SW16P.B4000001"/>
<Document Id="A58SW16P.AY0000RT"/>
<DataTable Name="" UsageVersion="">
<Root Name="" Desc="" UsageVersion="">
<Document Name="" Desc=""/>
This method call specifies
three templates in the <TEMPLATES> element. One template is
for the DataTable metadata type. One template is for the Root metadata
type. And, one template is for the Document metadata type. Because
OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES is set, the GetMetadata method processes the
templates as follows:
DataTable is the supertype
of the PhysicalTable and WorkTable metadata types. Therefore, the
method returns the requested Name and UsageVersion attributes for
all of these objects, and any objects associated to them through the
Documents and Columns associations.
Because the first template
did not specify what properties to get for any associated Document
and Column objects, the method consults the second template. Because
the Root metadata type is the supertype of all metadata types, the
properties requested for the Root object are retrieved for the Document
and Column objects that were retrieved by the first template. The
properties are also retrieved for the remaining objects identified
in the <METADATA> element.
Because the third template
specifies a metadata object that has already been processed by the
second template, it is ignored.
The following is an
example of the output returned by the SAS Metadata Server:
<PhysicalTable Id="A58SW16P.B1000001" Name="Patient Information"
<Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000001" Name="Patient ID" Desc="Patient Information"
UsageVersion="0"><Extensions/></Column><Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000002"
Name="Initials" Desc="Patient Initials" UsageVersion="0">
<Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000003" Name="Sex" Desc="Sex of Patient"
<Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000004" Name="Date Of Birth" Desc="Date Of Birth"
<Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000005" Name="Sponsor Patient ID"
Desc="Sponsor Patient Information" UsageVersion="0">
<Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000006" Name="Weight In Pounds" Desc="Patient
Weight In Pounds" UsageVersion="0">
<Column Id="A58SW16P.B2000007" Name="Weight In Kilograms" Desc="Patient
Weight In Kilograms" UsageVersion="0">
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0000RU" Name="Algorithm" Desc="Algorithm
for column." UsageVersion="0">
<Person Id="A58SW16P.AP0001JL" Name="Created Person 1 for getmet"
Desc="getmet07" UsageVersion="0">
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JL" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JM" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
<Event Id="A58SW16P.B3000001" Name="Event 1 for getmet" Desc="Event added"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JN" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JO" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
<WorkTable Id="A58SW16P.B4000001" Name="WorkTable 1 for getmet"
<Document Id="A58SW16P.AY0000RT" Name="Document 1 for getmet" Desc="doc added"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JR" Name="Attrib 1" Desc="First attribute"
<Extension Id="A58SW16P.AC0001JS" Name="Attrib 2" Desc="Second attribute"
<DataTable Name="" usageVersion=""><Documents/><Columns/></DataTable>
<Root Name="" Desc="" usageVersion=""><Extensions/></Root>
<Document Name="" Desc=""/>
In the output, the PhysicalTable
object has no associated Document objects and has seven associated
Column objects. One of the Column objects has an Extension object
defined for it. The WorkTable object has no associated Document or
Column objects. The method returned the properties requested for the
Root metadata type for all remaining objects. If the OMI_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES
flag had not been set in the method call, the results would have been
different. In that case, the templates would have been applied in
the order given, but the templates that specify the DataTable and
Root metadata types would have been ignored.