In SAS OLAP Cube Studio,
you can disable and enable cubes to perform various cube changes and
adjustments. You can disable a SAS OLAP cube if you need to perform
administrative tasks or make edits to the cube. You might disable
a cube to perform the following tasks:
adding calculated members to a
changing the security settings
for a cube
editing and rebuilding a cube
changing the OLAP schema for a
Disabling a cube removes
it from production. As a result, queries against the cube are affected.
Queries that are currently running against the cube are completed.
However, new queries against the cube are not accepted by the OLAP
server. To disable a cube in SAS OLAP Cube Studio, select a cube from
the tree view. Then select
Disable from either
Actions menu or the cube's context menu.
The cube is then disabled in the tree view.
Note: You must have Administer
permissions on the OLAP server to disable a cube. For more information
about permissions, see the
SAS Intelligence Platform: Security
Administration Guide.