Impact Analysis and Reverse Impact Analysis

The Impact Analysis function enables you to view the relationship of a cube to the objects that it is associated with. Impact analysis shows the potential impact of changes that you might make to a cube. In SAS OLAP Cube Studio, you can perform impact analysis only on a cube. If a cube has an information map, it is also displayed. The Reverse Impact Analysis function enables you to see how changes to the cube's associated objects could affect the cube. This view shows all tables that the cube is composed of, including the input, detail, and aggregation tables. Impact Analysis and Reverse Impact Analysis display only the objects for which you have ReadMetadata permission.
To perform impact analysis on a cube, select a cube in the tree view and select Impact Analysis from the Tools menu or from the cube's context menu. The Impact Analysis dialog box appears. The dialog box contains the Impact Analysis tab and the Reverse Impact Analysis tab. Each tab contains two options that enable you to toggle between a tree view and a diagram view of the cube and its objects. The diagram view shows a process flow diagram of the cube.
Each node of the cube analysis also contains a context menu that is available on both the Impact Analysis and Reverse Impact Analysis tabs. This context menu enables you to see the object's properties, analyze columns, and open (view the data in) a table. You can also print the analysis view at any time.
Note: You can use SAS Data Integration Studio to perform impact analysis on other objects, such as tables and jobs. For further information about the use of the Impact Analysis function in SAS Data Integration Studio, see "Using Impact Analysis" in the SAS Data Integration Studio: User's Guide.