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The DOCUMENT Procedure

Syntax: DOCUMENT Procedure

Table of Contents: The DOCUMENT Procedure

PROC DOCUMENT <options>;
COPY path<(where-expression)> <, path-2<(where-expression-2)>>
<, ...path-n<(where-expression-n)>> TO path </ option(s)>;
DELETE path<(where-expression)> <, path-2<(where-expression-2)>>
<, ...path-n<(where-expression-n)>> < / LEVELS= ALL | value>;
DIR <path>;
DOC <options>;
HIDE path <, path-2, ...path-n>;
IMPORT DATA= data-set-name | GRSEG=grseg TO path </options>;
LINK path TO path </ options>;
LIST path<(where-expression)> <, path-2<(where-expression-2)>>
<, ...path-n<(where-expression-n)>> </option(s)>;
MAKE path <, path-2, ...path-n> </ options>;
MOVE path<(where-expression)> <, path-2<(where-expression-2)>>
<, ...path-n<(where-expression-n)>> TO path </ option(s) >;
NOTE path <'text'> </ option(s)>;
OBANOTE<n> output-object <'text'> </option>;
OBBNOTE<n> output-object <'text'> </ option>;
OBFOOTN<n> output-object <'text'>;
OBPAGE output-object </ option(s)>;
OBSTITLE<n> output-object <'text'> </ options>;
OBTEMPL output-object;
OBTITLE<n> output-object <'text'>;
RENAME path-1 TO path-2;
REPLAY path<(where-expression)> <, path-2<(where-expression-2)>>
<, ...path-n<(where-expression-n)>> </ options>;
SETLABEL path 'label';
UNHIDE path <, path-2, ...path-n>;

Task Statement
Render ODS output without rerunning procedures and gain more control over the structure and hierarchy of the output PROC DOCUMENT
Insert a copy of an entry into a specified path COPY TO
Delete entries from a specified path or paths DELETE
Set or display the current directory DIR
Open a document and its contents to browse or edit DOC
Close the current document DOC CLOSE
Prevent output from being displayed when the document is replayed HIDE
Import a data set or graph segment into the current directory IMPORT TO
Create a symbolic link from one output object to another output object LINK
List the content of one or more entries LIST
Create one or more new directories MAKE
Move entries from one directory to another directory MOVE TO
Create text strings in the current directory NOTE
Create or modify lines of text after the specified output object OBANOTE
Create or modify lines of text before the specified output object OBBNOTE
Create or modify lines of text at the bottom of the page in which the output object is displayed OBFOOTN
Create or delete a page break for an output object OBPAGE
Create or modify subtitles OBSTITLE
Write the source code of the ODS template that is associated with a specified output object OBTEMPL
Create or modify lines of text at the top of the page where the output object is displayed OBTITLE
Assign a different name to a directory or output object RENAME TO
Replay one or more entries to the specified open ODS destinations REPLAY
Assign a label to the current entry SETLABEL
Enable the output of a hidden entry to be displayed when it is replayed UNHIDE

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