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The DOCUMENT Procedure

MAKE Statement

Creates one or more new file locations.
Default: If no location is specified, the newly created file location is appended to the end of the current file location.

MAKE path <, path-2, ...path-n> </ option(s)>;

Required Arguments


specifies the newly created file location.

Requirement: Separate multiple paths with commas.
Tip: You can use the symbol '^' to represent the current path and the symbol '^^' to represent the parent path.


AFTER= path

adds the newly created file location after the specified path in the current file location.

Tip: You can use the symbol '^' to represent the current path and the symbol '^^' to represent the parent path.
BEFORE= path

adds the newly created file location before the specified path in the current file location.

Tip: You can use the symbol '^' to represent the current path and the symbol '^^' to represent the parent path.

adds the newly created file location to the beginning of the current file location.


adds the newly created file location to the end of the current file location.

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