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Dictionary of ODS Language Statements

ODS PCL Statement

Opens, manages, or closes the PCL destination, which produces printable output for PCL (HP LaserJet) files.
Valid: anywhere
Category: ODS: Third-Party Formatted

Without an Action or Options
Opening and Closing the PCL Destination
The ODS Printer Family of Statements
See Also


ODS PCL <(<ID=>identifier)> <action>;
ODS PCL <(<ID=>identifier)> <option(s)>;

Without an Action or Options

If you use the ODS PCL statement without an action or options, then it opens the PCL destination and creates PCL output.


The following table lists the actions available for the ODS PCL statement. For complete descriptions of actions, seeActions in the ODS PRINTER statement.

ODS PCL Action Summary Table
Task Action
Close the PCL destination and the file that is associated with it CLOSE
Exclude output objects from the PCL destination EXCLUDE
Select output objects for the PCL destination SELECT
Write to the SAS log the current selection or exclusion list for the PCL destination SHOW


The following table lists the options that are available for the ODS PCL statement. For more detailed descriptions of these options, see Options in the ODS PRINTER statement.

ODS PCL Option Summary Table
Task Option
Apply a specified color scheme to your output COLOR=
Specify the number of columns to create on each page of output COLUMNS=
Specify a cascading style sheet to apply to your output CSSSTYLE=
Specify the image resolution for output files DPI=
Specify the file to write to FILE=
Open multiple instances of the same destination at the same time ID=
Create a new file at the specified starting-point NEWFILE=
Specify that the output from the destination be added to an ODS package PACKAGE
Control page breaks STARTPAGE=
Specify the style definition to use in writing the PCL output STYLE=
Insert text into your output TEXT=
For tables with multiple pages, ensure uniformity from page to page within a single table UNIFORM


Opening and Closing the PCL Destination

You can modify an open PCL destination with many ODS PCL options. However, the FILE= and SAS options will automatically close the open destination that is referred to in the ODS PCL statement, and will also close any files associated with it, and then open a new instance of the destination. If you use one of these options, it is best if you explicitly close the destination yourself.

The ODS Printer Family of Statements

The ODS PCL statement is part of the ODS printer family of statements. Statements in the printer family open the PCL, PDF, PRINTER, or PS destination, producing output that is suitable for a high-resolution printer. The ODS PDF, ODS PRINTER, and ODS PS statements are also members of the ODS printer family of statements.

See Also


ODS PDF Statement


ODS PS Statement

The Third-Party Formatted Destinations

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