Model Profile Reports

About Model Profile Reports

A Model Profile report displays the profile data that is associated with the model input variables, output variables, and target variables. The report creates three tables, one each for the model input, output, and target variables.
Here is a description of the model profile data:
Profile Data
the name of the variable
the data type of the variable: character ( C ) or numeric ( N )
the length of the variable
a label associated with the variable
the SAS format associated with formatting the variable
the measurement level: nominal, ordinal, interval, or binary
the type of variable: input, output, or target
The reports are created using these auxiliary model files:
  • inputvar.xml
  • outputvar.xml
  • targetvar.xml
These are the tasks that you perform for Model Profile reports:

Create a Model Profile Report

To create a Model Profile report, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the version folder Version Icon.
  2. Right-click the Reports node and select Reportsthen selectNew Report Wizard. The New Report Wizard opens.
    The New Report Wizard Model Profile Report
  3. Select Model Profile Report from the Type list box.
  4. In the Format list box, select the type of output that you want to create. The default is PDF. Other options are HTML, RTF, and Excel.
  5. In the Select column of the Select Models table, check the box for one or more models that you want to include in the report. This report requires only one model.
  6. In the Report Properties table, complete the Name and Description properties if you do not want to use the default values. The default value for the Name property uses the form profile_DdateTtime. The characters @ \ / * % # & $ ( ) ! ? < > ^ + ~ ` = { } [ ] | ; : ‘ " cannot be used in the name.
  7. Click OK. A message confirms that the report was created successfully.

See Also