To create a new version,
follow these steps:
Right-click the project
folder in the Project Tree and select
New Version from the pop-up
menu. The
New Version window appears.
Specify a name and an
optional description for the new version. Use a name that is unique
among versions in this project. The characters @ \ / * % # & $ ( ) ! ? < > ^ +
~ ` = { } [ ] | ; : ‘ " cannot be used in the name.
Select the life cycle
template that you will use to monitor the milestone phases and tasks.
Note: SAS Model Manager administrators
and advanced users can use the SAS Model Manager Template Editor to
customize life cycle templates. Use the Life Cycle Templates perspective
to view the contents of a template.
Review the selections
and click
Examine the properties
of the version folder. The value for
Date Created is today's date. The value for
State is
Under Development.
Note: SAS Model Manager automatically
annotates the version's history and notes.