
Tutorial 2 Models and Data Sets

The exercises in this tutorial require that the Tutorial 2 data sets and models from be extracted and registered in SAS Management Console. If they have not been extracted and registered, see Prepare Tutorial 2 Data Sets and Models to extract and register the files. You must have access from the SAS Model Manager client to the tutorial files.

Verify Your User ID as a Member of Model Manager User Groups

This exercise ensures that your user ID is a member of the MM Tutorial Assignees group and the Model Manager Advanced Users group.
  1. Open SAS Management Console and log on to the SAS Metadata Server.
  2. On the Plug-ins tab, select User Manager.
  3. In the right pane, double-click the MM Tutorial Assignees group and click the Members tab.
  4. Review the Current Members list, and locate your user ID or a group that your user ID is a member of. If your user ID or group is not a member of the MM Tutorial Assignees group, ask your administrator to add you to this group. Close the properties window.
  5. Find and double-click your user ID in the right pane of SAS Management Console.
  6. Click the Groups and Roles tab. Review the Member of pane and locate the group Model Manager Advanced Users. If your user ID is not a member of this group, ask your administrator to add you to this group. Close the properties window.
  7. Close SAS Management Console.