Install and Register the Tutorial Files

About Installing and Registering the Tutorial Files

The tutorial data sets and models must be installed and registered using SAS Management Console by an administrator who has Write access to the SAS Application Server. A valid SASApp user ID and password are required to install and register the tutorial files.
Some tutorials require files other than data sets and models, such as score code and templates. These files do not need to be registered in the SAS Metadata Repository. The drive where you extract the tutorial ZIP file must be accessible to the SAS Metadata Repository and to tutorial users. Tutorial users can also extract tutorial ZIP files to their local computers in order to access the other files.

Download the Tutorial Files

The ZIP file contains the tutorials' data sets, models, and score code, and is available from Before you begin any of the tutorials, extract the tutorial files to a computer that is accessible to the SAS Metadata Server and to the SAS Model Manager users. Follow the steps for using WinZip to extract the files. If you are using a different extraction program, follow that program's instructions for extracting the files.
  1. Create a folder on your local computer to store the tutorial files. The instructions refer to this folder as <drive>.
  2. From, save to <drive>.
  3. Open Windows Explorer to <drive>. Right-click and select Open with WinZip.
  4. From the WinZip window, click the Extract button. The Extract dialog box appears.
    Note: If you are running Windows 7, click the arrow on the Unzip button to open the Unzip from WinZip File Folder window.
  5. In the Extract to box, select <drive> and click Extract.
    Note: If you are running Windows 7, select <drive> from the Unzip from WinZip File Folder window.
    You can find the files for each tutorial in the respective tutorial folder (for example, <drive>\Tutorial2 or <drive>\Tutorial3).

Prepare Tutorial 2 Data Sets and Models

The Required Tutorial Files

Tutorial 2 requires the following files and folders in the <drive>\Tutorial2\Samples folder:
  • delinquency_project_input.sas7bdat
  • delinquency_project_output.sas7bdat
  • delinquency_scoring_input.sas7bdat
  • delinquency_scoring_output.sas7bdat
  • delinquency_test.sas7bdat
  • delinquency_train.sas7bdat
  • The model1 folder contains these model files:
  • The model2 folder contains these model files:
  • The model3 folder contains these model files:

Register the Tutorial 2 Files in SAS Management Console

Use SAS Management Console to define a data library and register the tables. Follow these steps:
  1. Start and log on to SAS Management Console as a SAS Administrator with the role Metadata Server: Operation or Metadata Server: Unrestricted.
  2. Open the New Library Wizard to a define the data library. Expand Environment Managementthen selectData Library Manager on the Plug-ins tab. Right-click Libraries and select New Library from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the New Library Wizard, create a SAS library.
    1. Navigate to Resource Templatesthen selectSAS Data
      Select SAS BASE Library and click Next.
    2. Specify MM Tutorial-2 in the Name field and click Browse. In the Select a Location dialog box, double-click Model Manager and then click the New folder icon. Create the folder Tutorial2 and make Tutorial2 the active folder. Click OK. Click Next.
    3. Select SASApp from the Available servers box and click Right arrow button to move the server name to the Selected servers list. Click Next.
    4. Specify smm3tor2 for the libref and click New.
    5. Select the path for the Tutorial 2 files in the Available items box and click Right arrow button to move the path to the Selected items list. Click Next.
    6. Click Finish. Verify that the library MM Tutorial-2 is a library in the Libraries folder.
  4. Register the data tables in the metadata repository.
    1. Right-click MM Tutorial-2 under the Libraries folder, select Register Tables from the pop-up menu, and click Next.
    2. If prompted, specify a user ID and password that has access to the metadata server and click OK.
    3. Click Select All Tables, click Next, and click Finish.
  5. Verify that table metadata was created and close SAS Management Console. Right-click MM Tutorial-2 and select Properties.
    Verify the tutorial name and location.
    Tutorial 2 Library Definition General Tab
    Click the Assign tab. Verify that the appropriate server is in the Selected servers list.
    Tutorial 2 Library Definition Server Assignment
    Click the Options tab. Verify the libref, the engine, and the path specification.
    Tutorial 2 Library Definition Options

Prepare Tutorial 3 Data Sets and Models

The Required Tutorial 3 Files

The SAS data sets and models that are required for this tutorial are on your local computer after you extract them from the ZIP file If you have not extracted the tutorial files, see Install and Register the Tutorial Files.
This tutorial requires the following files and folders in the <drive>\Tutorial3\Samples folder:
  • hmeq_project_input.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_project_output.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_score_input.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_test.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_train.sas7bdat
  • \Neural\Neutral.xml
  • \Reg1\miningResult.spk
  • \Tree1\miningResult.spk

Register the Tutorial 3 Files in SAS Management Console

Use SAS Management Console to define a data library and register the tables. Follow these steps:
  1. Open SAS Management Console and log on to the SAS Metadata Server. Your user ID must be authorized to modify libraries in the metadata server.
  2. Open the New Library Wizard to define the data library. Expand Environment Managementthen selectData Library Manager on the Plug-ins tab. Right-click Libraries and select New Library from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the New Library Wizard, create a SAS library.
    1. Navigate to Resource Templatesthen selectSAS Data
    2. Select SAS BASE Library and click Next.
    3. Specify MM Tutorial-3 in the Name field and click Next.
    4. (Optional) If more than one server exists, select a server. Click Next.
    5. Specify smm3tor3 for the libref and click New.
    6. Specify the server folder that you previously created, <drive>\Tutorial3\Samples, for the path specification and click OK twice.
    7. Click Next and Finish.
  4. Register the data tables in the metadata repository.
    1. Right-click MM Tutorial-3 under the Libraries node, select Register Tables from the pop-up menu, and click Next.
    2. If prompted, specify the metadata server, test the server connection, and click OK. Click Next.
    3. Click Select All Tables, click Next, and click Finish.
  5. Verify that table metadata was created and close SAS Management Console. Select MM Tutorial-3 under the Libraries node and examine the right pane.
  6. Authorize the MM Tutorial Assignees group and the MM Tutorial Approvers group to read and write to the library:
    1. Right-click the MM Tutorial-3 library and select Properties.
    2. Click the Authorization tab and click the Add button.
    3. Select MM Tutorial Assignees from the Available Identities list and click Right arrow button to move the group to the Selected Identities list.
    4. Select MM Tutorial Approvers from the Available Identities list and click Right arrow button to move the group to the Selected Identities list.
    5. Click OK twice.

Prepare Tutorial 6 Data Sets and Models

The Required Tutorial 6 Files

The SAS data sets and models that are required for this tutorial are on your local computer after you extract them from the ZIP file If you have not extracted the tutorial files, see Install and Register the Tutorial Files.
This tutorial requires the following files and folders in the <drive>\Tutorial6\Samples folder:
  • hmeq_project_input.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_project_output.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_score_input.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_score_output.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_test.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_train.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\importance6.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\modelinput6.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\modeloutput6.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\nodestat6.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\path6.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\rules6.sas7bdat
  • \Model6\
  • \Model6\target6.sas7bdat

Register the Tutorial 6 Files in SAS Management Console

Use SAS Management Console to define a data library and register the tables. Follow these steps:
  1. Open SAS Management Console and log on to the SAS Metadata Server. Your user ID must be authorized to modify libraries in the metadata server.
  2. Open the New Library Wizard to define the data library. Click Environment Managementthen selectData Library Manager on the Plug-ins tab. Right-click Libraries and select New Library from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the New Library Wizard, create a SAS library.
    1. Navigate to Resource Templatesthen selectSAS Data
      Select SAS BASE Library and click Next.
    2. Specify MM Tutorial-6 in the Name field.
    3. From the Location box, click Browse. Navigate to the Model Manager folder. Click the New folder icon and enter Tutorial6. Click the dialog box edges, click Tutorial6, and click OK.
    4. (Optional) If more than one server exists, select a server in the Available servers list and click Right arrow button to move the server name to the Selected servers list.
    5. Specify smm3tor6 for the libref and click New.
    6. Specify the server folder that you previously created, drive\Tutorial6\Samples, for the path specification and click Next.
    7. Click Finish.
  4. Register the data tables in the metadata repository.
    1. Right-click MM Tutorial-6 under the Libraries node, select Register Tables from the pop-up menu, and click Next.
    2. If prompted, specify the user ID and password for the server and click OK. Then click Next.
    3. Click Select All Tables, click Next, and click Finish.
  5. Verify that table metadata was created and close SAS Management Console. Select MM Tutorial-6 under the Libraries node and examine the right pane.

Prepare Tutorial 7 Data Sets and Models

The Required Tutorial 7 Files

The SAS data sets that are required for this tutorial are on your local computer after you extract them from the ZIP file If you have not extracted the tutorial files, see Install and Register the Tutorial Files.
This tutorial requires the following files and folders in the <drive>\Tutorial7\Samples folder:
  • hmeq_2010Q2.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_2010Q3.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_2010Q4.sas7bdat
  • hmeq_2011Q1.sas7bdat

Register the Tutorial 7 Files in SAS Management Console

Use SAS Management Console to define a data library and register the tables. Follow these steps:
  1. Open SAS Management Console and log on to the SAS Metadata Server. Your user ID must be authorized to modify libraries in the metadata server.
  2. Open the New Library Wizard to define the data library. Click Environment Managementthen selectData Library Manager on the Plug-ins tab. Right-click Libraries and select New Library from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the New Library Wizard, create a SAS library.
    1. Navigate to Resource Templatesthen selectSAS Data
      Select SAS BASE Library and click Next.
    2. Specify MM Tutorial-7 in the Name box.
    3. From the Location box, click Browse. Navigate to the Model Manager folder. Click the New folder icon and enter Tutorial7. Click the dialog box edges, click Tutorial7, and click OK.
    4. (Optional) If more than one server exists, select a server in the Available servers list and click Right arrow button to move the server name to the Selected servers list.
    5. Specify smm3tor7 for the libref and click New.
    6. Specify the server folder that you previously created, <drive>\Tutorial7\Samples, and click Right arrow button to move the path to the Selected items box.
    7. Click Next and Finish.
  4. Register the data tables in the metadata repository.
    1. Right-click MM Tutorial-7 under the Libraries node, select Register Tables from the pop-up menu, and click Next.
    2. If prompted, specify the user ID and password to the metadata server and click OK. Then click Next.
    3. Click Select All Tables and click Next.
    4. Click Finish.
  5. Verify that table metadata was created. Select MM Tutorial-7 under the Libraries node and examine the right pane.

Prepare Tutorial 8 Data Sets and Models

The Required Tutorial 8 Files

The SAS data sets and models that are required for this tutorial are on your local computer after you extract them from the ZIP file If you have not extracted the tutorial files, see Install and Register the Tutorial Files.
This tutorial requires the following files and folders in the <drive>\Tutorial8\Samples folder:
  • score_input.sas7bdat
  • score_output.sas7bdat

Register the Tutorial 8 Files in SAS Management Console

Use SAS Management Console to define a data library and register the tables. Follow these steps:
  1. Open SAS Management Console and log on to the SAS Metadata Server. Your user ID must be authorized to modify libraries in the metadata server.
  2. Open the New Library Wizard to define the data library. Click Environment Managementthen selectData Library Manager on the Plug-ins tab. Right-click Libraries and select New Library from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the New Library Wizard, create a SAS library.
    1. Navigate to Resource Templatesthen selectSAS Data
      Select SAS BASE Library and click Next.
    2. Specify MM Tutorial-8 in the Name box.
    3. From the Location box, click Browse. Navigate to the Model Manager folder. Click the New folder icon and enter Tutorial8. Double-click Tutorial8. Click OK.
    4. (Optional) If more than one server exists, select a server in the Available servers list and click Right arrow button to move the server name to the Selected servers list.
    5. Specify smm3tor8 for the libref and click New.
    6. Specify the server folder that you previously created, <drive>\Tutorial8\Samples, for the path specification and click Right arrow button to move the path to the Selected items box.
    7. Click Next and Finish.
  4. Register the data tables in the metadata repository.
    1. Right-click MM Tutorial-8 under the Libraries node, select Register Tables from the pop-up menu, and click Next.
    2. If prompted, specify the user ID and password to the metadata server and click OK. Then click Next.
    3. Click Select All Tables and click Next.
    4. Click Finish.
  5. Verify that table metadata was created. Select MM Tutorial-8 under the Libraries node and examine the right pane.