Declare a Champion Model

In this exercise, you declare a champion model in the model and version folders.

Set the Champion Model

To assign a champion model, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the Models folder in the 2011 version of the Loan project. Right-click Reg1, select Set Champion Model, and click Yes to confirm.
  2. Verify that the Champion Model Icon icon appears next to the champion model.

Set Default Version

You assign a default version after the default champion model for the project is identified. To set the default version, follow these steps:
  1. Right-click the 2011 version and select Set Default Version. Click Yes to confirm.
  2. Verify that the Default Version Icon icon appears next to the version folder.
  3. Select the project folder to examine its properties. The value for Date Modified is today's date. The value for the Default Version is the name of the version folder.
    Note: The champion model for the default version is used as the champion model for the project.
    Version properties when default version assigned
    SAS Model Manager automatically annotates the History tab. To document the reasons or assumptions for your selection of the default version, use the project Notes tab. For more information, see Using the Annotation View.

Update the Life Cycle (Optional)

To update the life cycle milestones, follow these steps:
  1. In the Loan project, expand 2011then selectLife Cyclethen selectDevelopment.
  2. Select the Create comparison reports task. Click the Status box and select Completed.
    Note: Although this task was not part of this exercise, dependencies in the life cycle require that you mark this task complete.
  3. Select the Score models task. Click the Status box and select Completed.
    Note: Although this task was not part of this exercise, dependencies in the life cycle require that you mark this task complete.
  4. Select the Select a champion model task. Click the Status box and select Completed.
  5. Select the Set the default version task. Click the Status box and select Completed.
  6. Select the Sign-off task. Click the Status box and select Completed.
  7. Click the Life Cycle node to examine its properties. The value for Date Modified is today's date. The Development property displays a bar chart that shows the percentage of completed tasks for this milestone.
    The life cycle status of the Develop milestone.

Update the Workflow Process (Optional)

To complete the activities in the associated workflow process, follow these steps:
  1. Click My Workflow Inbox from the SAS Model Manager main window to view the workflow process activities in your workflow inbox. Workflow Console is launched in a Web browser, and displays the Activities category view.
    Note: The list displays only the activities for which you are the actual owner or are assigned as a potential owner, and that have the state of Started.
  2. From the Activities category view, select an activity name, and click Claim the activity to claim an activity.
    Note: You can select an activity name and click Release the activity to release an activity that you had previously claimed.
  3. (Optional) Enter a property value or change an existing property value in the Properties pane.
  4. (Optional) Add a comment to the activity using the Comments pane.
  5. Select a status value to complete the activity. The workflow process continues to the next activity.
    Activity Status Menu
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the activities that you completed during this tutorial.
Note: For more information, see Tutorial 10: Using Workflow Console.