Creating and Managing Templates

About Creating and Managing Templates

There are three different types of templates that you can create or edit. The template types are Model, Report, and Properties. Models are associated with a specific model template. A model template contains properties and component files that define a type of model. Report templates can be used to create user-defined reports. A report template contains report requirements such as report name and the number of required models to run the report. The properties template contains user-defined properties and values for the model and project object types. In the Projects category view, you can create a new template or manage existing templates.
Note: Only users who are in the Model Manager Administrator Users or Model Manager Advanced Users groups and who have Write permission to the WebDAV folder where the user-defined model and report templates are stored can save a new template or save changes to an existing template. For more information, see Verify WebDAV Folder Permissions for User-Defined Templates in SAS Model Manager: Administrator’s Guide.
For more information about the different types of templates, see the following topics:

Manage Templates

To manage templates:
  1. Click Template and select Manage Templates.
  2. Select an XML template or SAS code file to edit or delete. The Reserved column must be marked as No in order for the template to be editable. Life cycle templates cannot be edited but can be viewed as Read-only.
    • To edit a file, click Edit File. Make the appropriate changes and click Save.
    • To delete a file, click Delete File. Click Yes.
  3. Click Close.

Create a New Template

To add a new template:
  1. Click Template and select New Template.
    New Template
  2. Enter a filename.
  3. Select a type:
    • Model
    • Report (XML template or SAS code)
  4. Click Import File to select an XML or SAS code file. You can also copy and paste the XML or SAS code in the text box.
    Note: Ensure that the selected template type matches the XML content type before importing the file.
  5. Click Validate XML to validate the XML.
  6. Click Save.

User-Defined Properties Template

When you add a user-defined property using the UserDefinedProperties.xml file, you specify the name of the property, the initial value of the property, and the type of object in the model repository to which it applies. The user-defined property is created for the specified object type when the object is added to the model repository. For example, if the XML file specifies a user-defined property Due date for an object type of project, the project object has a property of Due date each time a project is created in the Projects category. User-supplied properties are not added to existing objects in the model repository.
You can specify these object types in the UserDefinedProperties.xml file:
  • AnalyticalModel
  • ClassificationModel
  • ClusteringModel
  • PredictionModel
  • Project
To add user-defined properties for an object type:
  1. Click Template and select Manage Templates.
  2. Select the UserDefinedProperties.xml template and click Edit File.
    New Template
  3. Add properties using an XML property element for each property. These arguments are required:
    specifies the name of the property.
    specifies a value for the property when it is added as a property for the specified object type in the model repository. If you do not want to specify an initial value, use two double quotation marks, initial=""
    specifies the object type in the model repository for which the user-supplied value applies.
    Example: <Property name="Due date" initial=" " target="Project"/>
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Close.
Last updated: June 12, 2017