Additional Backup Considerations

Backup Considerations for 64-Bit Windows

The provided Windows distribution of GemFire does not contain the file. The GemFire script also does not allow the use of -J switches to supply JVM arguments. To run the GemFire backup command, you must extract the locator and license information from the wrapper.conf file for the locator and supply them to the GemFire command line script as JVM arguments. To do this:
  1. Locate the GemFire folder under SAS-Configuration-Directory\LevN\Web\gemfire\.
  2. Find the instance folder and locate the wrapper.conf file in it. The instance folder is located at SAS-Configuration-Directory\LevN\Web\gemfire\instances. It is commonly called ins_41415.
  3. Locate the following lines containing the parameter values from the wrapper.conf file:
    • set.GEMFIRE_LOCATORS=<ServerName>[41415]
    • set.USE_IPV4_STACK=false
    • set.USE_IPV6_ADDRESS=false
  4. When you use the above construct, your command line should look like the following:
    set -Dgemfire.mcast-port=0
    Substitute the appropriate values for the arguments based on the contents of wrapper.conf. This line must be run before running the GemFire script, so that the utility can find the locator.

Additional Backup Considerations for 64-Bit HP-UX Itanium

This distribution does not contain the file. Instead, the scripts in the locator instance can be used to define the appropriate values. They can also be used as shell variables, and as JVM arguments.
  1. Locate the GemFire folder under SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire.
  2. Find the instance folder and locate the wrapper.conf file in it. The instance folder is located at SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire/instances. It is commonly called ins_41415.
  3. Run the script, so that it defines the appropriate values as variables in the current shell, as follows:
    Note: There is a space between . and gemfire.
  4. Run the GemFire script in the SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire/bin folder, using the following arguments:
    -J-Dgemfire.license-application-cache=$GEMFIRE_LICENCE_KEY backup

Additional Backup Steps in a Clustered Environment

Make sure that all cluster members are running. Before backing up a cluster, run the GemFire utility using the compact-all-disk-stores command. The backup process creates multiple folders containing content from the different cluster members in the destination folder. Use the restore script in each such folder to restore the folder to the appropriate cluster member.