Restore Script

The restore script copies files back to their original locations. The backup process creates a folder that is named with the date and time of the backup, as indicated in the above example. This folder can contain one or more subfolders, each corresponding to a folder containing GemFire persistence files. Each such folder contains a restore script called or restore.bat (for example,gemfireBackupFilesDirectory/<date>/<ServerName>_v31_13729_16281/restore.bat /).
Note: For a cluster, the GemFire persistence folders can be on different nodes. This has the following implications:
  • In order to restore, the restore script must have access to the backup folders as well as the GemFire persistence folders. Therefore, it is recommended that you create the backup in a shared folder that is accessible from every node of the cluster. Then, run the script on the nodes that contain the GemFire persistence folder.
  • You might need to modify the restore script since the paths to the GemFire persistence folder can be different on different nodes of the cluster. Because the restore script copies files from the backup folder to the GemFire persistence folder, it can be easily modified to correct the path. You can also copy the files directly, without using the restore script.
Here are best practices for running the restore script:
  • Restore your disk stores when your members are offline, and the system is down.
  • Read the restore scripts to see where they place the files. Make sure that the destination locations are ready. The restore scripts do not copy over files with the same names. Therefore, delete all files prefixed with BACKUPmasgemfire in the SASServer13_n/logs folder, after stopping any SASServer13 processes, but before running the restore script (for example, /gemfireBackupFilesDirectory/<date>/<ServerName>_v31_13729_16281/
  • Run the restore scripts. Run each script on the host where the backup originated, as shown in the step above.
The restore process copies disk store files for all stores containing persistent region data back to their original location.