Upgrading from or Reinstalling from SAS 9.4 before the July 2015 Release of SAS 9.4

If you are using SAS Data Loader for Hadoop, you should remove the Quality Knowledge Base (QKB) and the SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark from the Hadoop nodes before removing the SAS Embedded Process.
Removing the SAS Embedded Process removes the scripts that are used to remove these products. For more information, see “Removing the QKB” and “Removing the SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark” in the SAS Data Loader for Hadoop: Installation and Configuration Guide.
To upgrade or reinstall from a version of SAS 9.4 before the July 2015 release of SAS 9.4, follow these steps:
  1. Stop the Hadoop SAS Embedded Process using the 9.4 sasep-servers.sh -stop script.
       -stop -hostfile host-list-filename | -host <">host-list<">
    EPInstallDir is the master node where you installed the SAS Embedded Process.
    For more information, see the SASEP-SERVERS.SH syntax section of the SAS In-Database Products: Administrator’s Guide that came with your release.
  2. Remove the SAS Embedded Process from all nodes.
       -remove -hostfile host-list-filename | -host <">host-list<">
       -mrhome dir
    Note: This step ensures that all old SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files are removed.
    For more information, see the SASEP-SERVERS.SH syntax section of the SAS In-Database Products: Administrator’s Guide that came with your release.
  3. Restart the MapReduce service to clear the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files from the cache.
  4. Verify that all files associated with the SAS Embedded Process have been removed.
    Note: If all the files have not been deleted, then you must manually delete them. Open-source utilities are available that can delete these files across multiple nodes.
    1. Verify that the sas.hadoop.ep.apache*.jar files have been deleted.
      The JAR files are located at HadoopHome/lib.
      For Cloudera, the JAR files are typically located here:
      For Hortonworks, the JAR files are typically located here:
    2. Verify that all the SAS Embedded Process directories and files have been deleted on all nodes except the node from which you ran the sasep-servers.sh -remove script. The sasep-servers.sh -remove script removes the file everywhere except on the node from which you ran the script.
    3. Manually remove the SAS Embedded Process directories and files on the master node (EPInstallDir) from which you ran the script.
      The sasep-servers.sh -remove script removes the file everywhere except on the node from which you ran the script. The sasep-servers.sh -remove script displays instructions that are similar to the following example.
      localhost WARN: Apparently, you are trying to uninstall SAS Embedded Process 
      for Hadoop from the local node.
      The binary files located at 
      SAS/SASACCESStoHadoopMapReduceJARFiles will not be removed.
      localhost WARN: The init script will be removed from /etc/init.d and the 
         SAS Map Reduce JAR files will be removed from /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/lib.
      localhost WARN: The binary files located at local_node/SAS 
         should be removed manually.
      You can use this command to find the location of any instance of the SAS Embedded Process:
      ps -ef | grep depserver
  5. Continue the installation process.
    If you are reinstalling from the version of SAS 9.4 prior to July 2015, see the SAS 9.4 documentation for that release.
    For instructions on how to upgrade to the latest release of SAS 9.4, see Unzipping and Copying the In-Database Deployment Package to the Hadoop Cluster.
Last updated: February 9, 2017