Upgrading from or Reinstalling from the July 2015 Release of SAS 9.4 or Later

If you are using SAS Data Loader for Hadoop, you should remove the Quality Knowledge Base (QKB) and the SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark from the Hadoop nodes before removing the SAS Embedded Process.
Removing the SAS Embedded Process removes the scripts that are used to remove these products. For more information, see “Removing the QKB” and “Removing the SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark” in the SAS Data Loader for Hadoop: Installation and Configuration Guide.
To upgrade or reinstall from the July 2015 release of SAS 9.4 or later, follow these steps:
  1. Locate the sasep-admin.sh file.
    This file is in the EPInstallDir/SASEPHome/bin directory. EPInstallDir is where you installed the SAS Embedded Process.
    One way to find the EPInstallDir directory is to look at the sas.ep.classpath property in the ep-config.xml file. The ep-config.xml file is located on HDFS in the /sas/ep/config/ directory.
    1. Enter this Hadoop command to read the ep-config.xml file on HDFS.
      hadoop fs -cat /sas/ep/config/ep-config.xml
    2. Search for the sas.ep.classpath property.
    3. Copy the directory path.
      The path should be EPInstallDir/SASEPHome/ where EPInstallDir is where you installed the SAS Embedded Process.
    4. Navigate to the EPInstallDir/SASEPHome/bin directory.
  2. Run sasep-admin.sh -remove script.
    This script removes the SAS Embedded Process from the data nodes.
  3. Run this command to remove the SASEPHome directories from the master node.
    rm -rf SASEPHome
  4. Continue the installation process.
    If you are reinstalling from the version of SAS 9.4 after July 2015, see the SAS 9.4 documentation for that release.
    For instructions on how to upgrade to the latest release of SAS 9.4, see Unzipping and Copying the In-Database Deployment Package to the Hadoop Cluster.
Last updated: February 9, 2017