Upgrading from or Reinstalling from SAS 9.3

To upgrade or reinstall from SAS 9.3, follow these steps:
  1. Stop the Hadoop SAS Embedded Process using the 9.3 sasep-stop.all. sh script.
    EPInstallDir is the master node where you installed the SAS Embedded Process.
  2. Delete the Hadoop SAS Embedded Process from all nodes.
  3. Verify that the sas.hadoop.ep.distribution-name.jar files have been deleted.
    The JAR files are located at HadoopHome/lib.
    For Cloudera, the JAR files are typically located here:
    For Hortonworks, the JAR files are typically located here:
  4. Restart the MapReduce service to clear the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files from the cache.
  5. Continue the installation process.
    If reinstalling from SAS 9.3, refer to your SAS 9.3 documentation.
    For instructions on how to upgrade to the latest release of SAS 9.4, see Unzipping and Copying the In-Database Deployment Package to the Hadoop Cluster.
Last updated: February 9, 2017