Designate a Required Table

If you want a data source (and any associated prefilters) to be used in every query that is generated from a given information map, then designate the data source as required. To designate EMPINFO as required for this information map:
  1. Open the Employee Statistics Sample with Advanced Features information map.
  2. In the SAS Information Map Studio main window, select the Design tab.
  3. In the Information Map Contents pane, right-click Employee Statistics Sample with Advanced Features, and then select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  4. In the Information Map Properties dialog box, select the Required Tables tab.
  5. In the Available tables pane, select EMPINFO, and then click Move .
    Required Tables tab
  6. Click OK. In the Selected Resources pane on the Design tab, the EMPINFO data source is denoted with an asterisk (*) to indicate that it is required.
    Selected Resources pane with a required data source
  7. Save the information map.