Using the READ Statement with the WHERE Clause |
Use the WHERE clause as you did with the LIST statement, to conditionally select observations from within the specified range. If you want to create a matrix FEMALE that contains the variables AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT for females only, use the following statements:
> read all var _num_ into female where(sex="F"); > print female; FEMALE 11 51.3 50.5 12 59.8 84.5 12 56.3 77 13 56.5 84 13 65.3 98 14 62.8 102.5 14 64.3 90 15 62.5 112.5 15 66.5 112
Now try some special features of the WHERE clause to find values that begin with certain characters (the =: operator) or that contain certain strings (the ? operator). To create a matrix that contains the students whose names begin with the letter "J," use the following statements:
> read all var{name} into j where(name=:"J"); > print j; J JOYCE JAMES JANE JOHN JEFFREY JUDY JANET
To create a matrix of children with names that contains the string "AL," use the following statement:
> read all var{name} into al where(name?"AL"); > print al; AL ALICE ALFRED RONALD