Using the READ Statement with the VAR and INTO Clauses

Sometimes you want to have all of the numeric variables in the same matrix so that you can determine correlations. Use the READ statement with the INTO clause and the VAR clause to read the variables listed in the VAR clause into the single matrix named in the INTO clause. Each variable in the VAR clause becomes a column of the target matrix. If there are variables in the VAR clause and observations are processed, the target matrix in the INTO clause is an matrix.

The following statement creates a matrix that contains the numeric variables of the CLASS data set. Notice the use of the keyword _NUM_ in the VAR clause to specify that all numeric variables be read.

   > read all var _num_ into x;
   > print x;

                        11      51.3      50.5
                        11      57.5        85
                        12      57.3        83
                        12      59.8      84.5
                        12        59      99.5
                        12      56.3        77
                        12      64.8       128
                        13      56.5        84
                        13      65.3        98
                        13      62.5        84
                        14      62.8     102.5
                        14      63.5     102.5
                        14        69     112.5
                        14      64.3        90
                        15      62.5     112.5
                        15      66.5       112
                        15        67       133
                        15      66.5       112
                        16        72       150