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General Statistics Examples

Example 9.2 Newton’s Method for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations

This example solves a nonlinear system of equations by Newton’s method. Let the nonlinear system be represented by


where is a vector and is a vector-valued, possibly nonlinear function.

In order to find such that goes to 0, an initial estimate is chosen, and Newton’s iterative method for converging to the solution is used:


where is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of with respect to .

For optimization problems, the same method is used, where is the gradient of the objective function and becomes the Hessian (Newton-Raphson).

In this example, the system to be solved is


The following statements are organized into three modules: NEWTON, FUN, and DERIV.

   /*     Newton's Method to Solve a Nonlinear Function      */
   /* The user must supply initial values,                   */
   /* and the FUN and DERIV functions.                       */
   /* On entry: FUN evaluates the function f in terms of x   */
   /* initial values are given to x                          */
   /* DERIV evaluates jacobian j                             */
   /* tuning variables: CONVERGE, MAXITER.                   */
   /* On exit: solution in x, function value in f close to 0 */
   /* ITER has number of iterations.                         */
*ods trace output;
proc iml;
start newton;
   run fun;          /* evaluate function at starting values */
   do iter = 1 to maxiter           /* iterate until maxiter */
   while(max(abs(f))>converge); /* iterations or convergence */
      run deriv;                /* evaluate derivatives in j */
      delta = -solve(j,f);    /* solve for correction vector */
      x = x+delta;                  /* the new approximation */
      run fun;                      /* evaluate the function */
finish newton;

maxiter = 15;                  /* default maximum iterations */
converge = .000001;         /* default convergence criterion */

   /* User-supplied function evaluation */
start fun;
   x1 = x[1] ;
   x2 = x[2] ;                         /* extract the values */
   f = (x1+x2-x1*x2+2) //
       (x1*exp(-x2)-1);             /* evaluate the function */
finish fun;

   /* User-supplied derivatives of the function */
start deriv;
   /* evaluate jacobian */
   j = ((1-x2)||(1-x1) ) // (exp(-x2)||(-x1*exp(-x2)));
finish deriv;

   print "Solving the system: X1+X2-X1*X2+2=0, X1*EXP(-X2)-1=0" ,;
   x={.1, -2};     /* starting values */
   run newton;
   print x f;

The results are shown in Output 9.2.1.

Output 9.2.1 Newton’s Method: Results
Solving the system: X1+X2-X1*X2+2=0, X1*EXP(-X2)-1=0

x f
0.0977731 5.3523E-9
-2.325106 6.1501E-8

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