Time Series Analysis and Examples

Computational Details

Least Squares and Householder Transformation

Consider the univariate AR(p) process
y_t = \alpha_0 + \sum_{i=1}^p \alpha_i y_{t-i} + \epsilon_t
Define the design matrix {x}.
{x}= [1 & y_p &  ...  & y_1 \    \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \    1 & y_{t-1} &  ...  & y_{t-p}    ]
Let {y}= (y_{p+1}, ... ,y_n)^'. The least squares estimate, \hat{{a}}=({x}^'{x})^{-1}{x}^'{y}, is the approximation to the maximum likelihood estimate of {a}=(\alpha_0,\alpha_1, ... ,\alpha_p) if \epsilon_t is assumed to be Gaussian error disturbances. Combining {x} and {y} as
{z}= [{x}\,\vdots\,{y}]
the {z} matrix can be decomposed as
{z}= {q}{u}= {q}[{{r}}& {w}_1 \    0 & {w}_2    ]
where {q} is an orthogonal matrix and {{r}} is an upper triangular matrix, {w}_1 = (w_1, ... ,w_{p+1})^', and {w}_2 = (w_{p+2},0, ... ,0)^'.
{q}^'{y}= [w_1 \ w_2 \ \vdots \ w_{t-p}    ]

The least squares estimate that uses Householder transformation is computed by solving the linear system

{{r}}{a}= {w}_1
The unbiased residual variance estimate is
\hat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{1}{t-p} \sum_{i=p+2}^{t-p} w_i^2    = \frac{w_{p+2}^2}{t-p}
{\rm aic}=(t-p)\log(\hat{\sigma}^2) + 2(p+1)
In practice, least squares estimation does not require the orthogonal matrix {q}. The TIMSAC subroutines compute the upper triangular matrix without computing the matrix {q}.

Bayesian Constrained Least Squares

Consider the additive time series model

y_t = t_t + s_t + \epsilon_t,\hspace*{.25in}\epsilon_t\sim n(0,\sigma^2)

Practically, it is not possible to estimate parameters {a}= (t_1, ... ,t_t,s_1, ... ,s_t)^', since the number of parameters exceeds the number of available observations. Let \nabla_l^m denote the seasonal difference operator with l seasons and degree of m; that is, \nabla_l^m = (1-b^l)^m. Suppose that t=l*n. Some constraints on the trend and seasonal components need to be imposed such that the sum of squares of \nabla^k t_t, \nabla_l^m s_t, and (\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} s_{t-i}) is small. The constrained least squares estimates are obtained by minimizing

\sum_{t=1}^t \{(y_t-t_t-s_t)^2 + d^2[s^2(\nabla^k t_t)^2    + (\nabla_l^m s_t)^2 + z^2(s_t+ ... +s_{t-l+1})^2]\}
Using matrix notation,
({y}-{m}{a})^'({y}-{m}{a}) + ({a}-{a}_0)^'{d}^'{d}({a}-{a}_0)
where {m}= [{i}_t\,\vdots\,{i}_t], {y}= (y_1, ... , y_t)^', and {a}_0 is the initial guess of {a}. The matrix {d} is a 3tx 2t control matrix in which structure varies according to the order of differencing in trend and season.
{d}= d [{e}_m & 0 \    z{f}& 0 \    0 & s{g}_k    ]
{e}_m & = & {c}_m\otimes{i}_l,\hspace*{.25in} m=1,2,3 \    {f}& = & [1 & 0 &  ......   ...s & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & 0 \    0 &  ...  & 0 & -1 & 3 & -3 & 1    ]_{tx t}
The nx n matrix {c}_m has the same structure as the matrix {g}_m, and {i}_l is the lx l identity matrix. The solution of the constrained least squares method is equivalent to that of maximizing the function
l({a}) = \exp\{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}({y}-{m}{a})^'({y}-{m}{a})\}    \exp\{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}({a}-{a}_0)^'{d}^'{d}({a}-{a}_0)\}
Therefore, the PDF of the data {y} is
f({y}|\sigma^2,{a}) = (\frac{1}{2\pi})^{t/2}    (\frac{1}{\sigma})^t    \exp\{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}({y}-{m}{a})^'({y}-{m}{a})\}
The prior PDF of the parameter vector {a} is
\pi({a}|{d},\sigma^2,{a}_0) = (\frac{1}{2\pi})^t    (\frac{1}{\sigma})^{2t}|{d}^'{d}|    \exp\{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}({a}-{a}_0)^'{d}^'{d}({a}-{a}_0)\}
When the constant d is known, the estimate \hat{{a}} of {a} is the mean of the posterior distribution, where the posterior PDF of the parameter {a} is proportional to the function l({a}). It is obvious that \hat{{a}} is the minimizer of \vert{g}({a}| d)\vert^2 = (\tilde{{y}}-\tilde{{d}}{a})^'(\tilde{{y}}-\tilde{{d}}{a}), where
\tilde{{y}} = [{y}\ {d}{a}_0    ]
\tilde{{d}} = [{m}\ {d}   ]
The value of d is determined by the minimum ABIC procedure. The ABIC is defined as
{\rm abic} = t\log[\frac{1}t\vert{g}({a}| d)\vert^2]    + 2\{\log[\det({d}^'{d}+{m}^'{m})]    - \log[\det({d}^'{d})]\}

State Space and Kalman Filter Method

In this section, the mathematical formulas for state space modeling are introduced. The Kalman filter algorithms are derived from the state space model. As an example, the state space model of the TSDECOMP subroutine is formulated.

Define the following state space model:

{x}_t &=& {f}{x}_{t-1} + {g}{w}_t \    y_t &=& {h}_t{x}_t + \epsilon_t
where \epsilon_t\sim n(0,\sigma^2) and {w}_t\sim n(0,{q}). If the observations, (y_1, ... ,y_t), and the initial conditions, {x}_{0|} and {p}_{0|}, are available, the one-step predictor ({x}_{t| t-1}) of the state vector {x}_t and its mean square error (MSE) matrix {p}_{t| t-1} are written as
{x}_{t| t-1} = {f}{x}_{t-1| t-1}
{p}_{t| t-1} = {f}{p}_{t-1| t-1}{f}^' + {g}{q}{g}^'
Using the current observation, the filtered value of {x}_t and its variance {p}_{t| t} are updated.
{x}_{t| t} = {x}_{t| t-1} + {k}_t e_t
{p}_{t| t} = ({i}- {k}_t {h}_t){p}_{t| t-1}
where e_t = y_t - {h}_t{x}_{t| t-1} and {k}_t = {p}_{t| t-1}{h}^'_t[{h}_t {p}_{t| t-1}{h}^'_t + \sigma^2{i}]^{-1}. The log-likelihood function is computed as
\ell = -\frac{1}2\sum_{t=1}^t \log(2\pi v_{t| t-1})    - \sum_{t=1}^t \frac{e_t^2}{2v_{t| t-1}}
where v_{t| t-1} is the conditional variance of the one-step prediction error e_t.

Consider the additive time series decomposition

y_t = t_t + s_t + t\!d_t + u_t + {x}^'_t\beta_t + \epsilon_t
where {x}_t is a (kx 1) regressor vector and \beta_t is a (kx 1) time-varying coefficient vector. Each component has the following constraints:
\nabla^k t_t & = & w_{1t},\hspace*{.25in}w_{1t}\sim n(0,\tau_1^2) \    \nabla_l^m...   ...m_{i=1}^6 \gamma_{it}(t\!d_t(i)-t\!d_t(7)) \    \gamma_{it} & = & \gamma_{i,t-1}
where \nabla^k = (1-b)^k and \nabla_l^m = (1-b^l)^m. The AR component u_t is assumed to be stationary. The trading-day component t\!d_t(i) represents the number of the ith day of the week in time t. If k=3, p=3, m=1, and l=12 (monthly data),
t_t & = & 3t_{t-1} - 3t_{t-2} + t_{t-3} + w_{1t} \    \sum_{i=0}^{11} s_{t-i} & = & w_{2t} \    u_t & = & \sum_{i=1}^3 \alpha_i u_{t-i} + w_{3t}
The state vector is defined as
{x}_t = (t_t,t_{t-1},t_{t-2},s_t, ... ,s_{t-11},u_t,u_{t-1},u_{t-2},    \gamma_{1t}, ... ,\gamma_{6t})^'
The matrix {f} is
{f}= [{f}_1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \    0 & {f}_2 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 0 & {f}_3 & 0 \    0 & 0 & 0 & {f}_4    ]


{f}_1 = [3 & -3 & \phantom{-}1 \    1 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 1 & 0    ]
{f}_2 = [-1^' & -1 \    {i}_{10} & 0    ]
{f}_3 = [\alpha_1 & \alpha_2 & \alpha_3 \    1 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 1 & 0    ]
{f}_4 = {i}_6
1^' = (1,1, ... ,1)

The matrix g can be denoted as

g = [{g}_1 & 0 & 0 \    0 & {g}_2 & 0 \    0 & 0 & {g}_3 \    0 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 0 & 0 \    0 & 0 & 0    ]

{g}_1 = {g}_3 = [1 & 0 & 0    ]^'
{g}_2 = [1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0    ]^'
Finally, the matrix {h}_t is time-varying,

{h}_t = [1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & {h}^'_t    ]

{h}_t & = & [d_t(1) & d_t(2) & d_t(3) & d_t(4) & d_t(5) & d_t(6)    ]^' \    d_t(i) & = & t\!d_t(i)-t\!d_t(7),\hspace*{.5in}i=1, ... ,6

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