Nonlinear Optimization Examples

Example 11.2: Network Flow and Delay

The following example is taken from the user's guide of the GINO program (Liebman et al. 1986). A simple network of five roads (arcs) can be illustrated by a path diagram.

The five roads connect four intersections illustrated by numbered nodes. Each minute, f vehicles enter and leave the network. The parameter x_{ij} refers to the flow from node i to node j. The requirement that traffic that flows into each intersection j must also flow out is described by the linear equality constraint

\sum_i x_{ij} = \sum_i x_{ji}  ,  j=1, ... ,n
In general, roads also have an upper limit on the number of vehicles that can be handled per minute. These limits, denoted c_{ij}, can be enforced by boundary constraints:
0 \le x_{ij} \le c_{ij}
The goal in this problem is to maximize the flow, which is equivalent to maximizing the objective function f(x), where f(x) is
f(x) = x_{24} + x_{34}
The boundary constraints are
0 \le & x_{12}, x_{32}, x_{34} & \le 10 \   0 \le & x_{13}, x_{24} & \le 30 \
and the flow constraints are
x_{13} & = & x_{32} + x_{34} \   x_{24} & = & x_{12} + x_{32} \   x_{12} + x_{13} & = & x_{24} + x_{34}

The three linear equality constraints are linearly dependent. One of them is deleted automatically by the optimization subroutine. The following notation is used in this example:

x1=x_{12}, x2=x_{13}, x3=x_{32}, x4=x_{24}, x5=x_{34}
Even though the NLPCG subroutine is used, any other optimization subroutine would also solve this small problem. The following code finds the maximum flow:

    proc iml; 
       title 'Maximum Flow Through a Network'; 
       start MAXFLOW(x); 
          f = x[4] + x[5]; 
       finish MAXFLOW; 
       con = {  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.   .   . , 
               10. 30. 10. 30. 10.   .   . , 
                0.  1. -1.  0. -1.  0.  0. , 
                1.  0.  1. -1.  0.  0.  0. , 
                1.  1.  0. -1. -1.  0.  0. }; 
       x = j(1,5, 1.); 
       optn = {1 3}; 
       call nlpcg(xres,rc,"MAXFLOW",x,optn,con);

The optimal solution is shown in the following output.

Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Gradient
1 X1 10.000000 0 Upper BC
2 X2 10.000000 0  
3 X3 10.000000 1.000000 Upper BC
4 X4 20.000000 1.000000  
5 X5 -1.11022E-16 0 Lower BC

Value of Objective Function = 30

Finding the maximum flow through a network is equivalent to solving a simple linear optimization problem, and for large problems, the LP procedure or the NETFLOW procedure of the SAS/OR product can be used. On the other hand, finding a traffic pattern that minimizes the total delay to move f vehicles per minute from node 1 to node 4 includes nonlinearities that need nonlinear optimization techniques. As traffic volume increases, speed decreases. Let t_{ij} be the travel time on arc (i,j) and assume that the following formulas describe the travel time as decreasing functions of the amount of traffic:

t_{12} & = & 5 + 0.1 x_{12} / (1 - x_{12}/10) \   t_{13} & = & x_{13} / (1 - x_{1...   ...24} & = & x_{24} / (1 - x_{24}/30) \   t_{34} & = & 5 + x_{34} / (1 - x_{34}/10)

These formulas use the road capacities (upper bounds), and you can assume that f=5 vehicles per minute have to be moved through the network. The objective is now to minimize

f =f(x)= t_{12} x_{12} + t_{13} x_{13} + t_{32} x_{32} +    t_{24} x_{24} + t_{34} x_{34}
The constraints are
0 \le & x_{12}, x_{32}, x_{34} & \le 10 \   0 \le & x_{13}, x_{24} & \le 30 \
x_{13} & = & x_{32} + x_{34} \   x_{24} & = &x_{12} + x_{32} \   x_{24} + x_{34} & = & f = 5

In the following code, the NLPNRR subroutine is used to solve the minimization problem:

    proc iml; 
       title 'Minimize Total Delay in Network'; 
       start MINDEL(x); 
          t12 = 5. + .1 * x[1] / (1. - x[1] / 10.); 
          t13 = x[2] / (1. - x[2] / 30.); 
          t32 = 1. + x[3] / (1. - x[3] / 10.); 
          t24 = x[4] / (1. - x[4] / 30.); 
          t34 = 5. + .1 * x[5] / (1. - x[5] / 10.); 
          f = t12*x[1] + t13*x[2] + t32*x[3] + t24*x[4] + t34*x[5]; 
       finish MINDEL; 
       con = {  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.   .   . , 
               10. 30. 10. 30. 10.   .   . , 
                0.  1. -1.  0. -1.  0.  0. , 
                1.  0.  1. -1.  0.  0.  0. , 
                0.  0.  0.  1.  1.  0.  5. }; 
       x = j(1,5, 1.); 
       optn = {0 3}; 
       call nlpnrr(xres,rc,"MINDEL",x,optn,con);

The optimal solution is shown in the following output.

Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Gradient
1 X1 2.500001 5.777778  
2 X2 2.499999 5.702478  
3 X3 5.551115E-17 1.000000 Lower BC
4 X4 2.500001 5.702481  
5 X5 2.499999 5.777778  

Value of Objective Function = 40.303030303

The active constraints and corresponding Lagrange multiplier estimates (costs) are shown in the following output.

Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 ACT 0 = 0 + 1.0000 * X2 - 1.0000 * X3 - 1.0000 * X5
2 ACT 4.4409E-16 = 0 + 1.0000 * X1 + 1.0000 * X3 - 1.0000 * X4
3 ACT 0 = -5.0000 + 1.0000 * X4 + 1.0000 * X5        

First Order Lagrange Multipliers
Active Constraint Lagrange
Lower BC X3 0.924702
Linear EC [1] 5.702479
Linear EC [2] 5.777777
Linear EC [3] 11.480257

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