Language Reference


obtains a fractionally differenced process

CALL FDIF( out, series, d);

The inputs to the FDIF subroutine are as follows:

specifies a time series with n length.

specifies a fractional differencing order. This argument is required; the value of d should be in the open interval (-1,1) excluding zero.

The FDIF subroutine returns the following value:

is an n vector containing the fractionally differenced process.

Consider an ARFIMA(1,0.3,1) process
(1-0.5b)(1-b)^{0.3}y_t = (1+0.1b){\epsilon}_t
Let z_t=(1-b)^{0.3}y_t; that is, z_t follows an ARMA(1,1). To get the filtered series z_t, you can use the following code:
    d    = 0.3; 
    phi  = 0.5; 
    theta= -0.1; 
    call farmasim(yt, d, phi, theta) n=100; 
    call fdif(zt, yt, d); 
    print zt;

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