Language Reference


applies complete orthogonal decomposition by Householder transformations on the right-hand-side matrix B for the solution of rank-deficient linear least squares systems

CALL APPCORT( prqb, lindep, a, b\lt, sing>);

The inputs to the APPCORT subroutine are as follows:

is an m x n matrix {a}, with m \geq n, which is to be decomposed into the product of the m x m orthogonal matrix {q}, the n x n upper triangular matrix {{r}}, and the n x n orthogonal matrix {p},
{a}= {q}[ {{r}}\ 0    ] {{{{\pi}}}}^' {p}^' {{{{\pi}}}}

is the m x p matrix {b} that is to be left multiplied by the transposed m x m matrix {q}^'.

is an optional scalar specifying a singularity criterion.

The APPCORT subroutine returns the following values:

is an n x p matrix product
{p}{{{{\pi}}}}[ ({l}^')^{-1} & 0 \    0 & 0    ] {q}^' {b}
which is the minimum 2-norm solution of the (rank deficient) least squares problem \vert {a}{x}- {b}\vert^2_2. Refer to Golub and Van Loan (1989, pp. 241-242) for more details.

is the number of linearly dependent columns in the matrix {a} detected by applying the r Householder transformations. That is, lindep=n-r, where r={rank}({a}).

See the section "COMPORT Call" for information about complete orthogonal decomposition.

An example that uses the APPCORT subroutine follows:

    /* Only four linearly independent columns */ 
    A = {1 0 1 0 0, 
         1 0 0 1 0, 
         1 0 0 0 1, 
         0 1 1 0 0, 
         0 1 0 1 0, 
         0 1 0 0 1 }; 
    /* compute Moore-Penrose generalized inverse */ 
    b = i(nrow(A)); 
    call appcort(Ainv,lindep,A,b); 
    print Ainv; 
    /* verify generalized inverse */ 
    eps = 1e-12; 
    if any(A*Ainv*A-A > eps) | 
       any(Ainv*A*Ainv-Ainv > eps) | 
       any((A*Ainv)`-A*Ainv > eps) | 
       any((Ainv*A)`-Ainv*A > eps) then 
           print "Pseudoinverse conditions not satisfied"; 
           print "Pseudoinverse conditions satisfied"; 
    /* compute solution for rank deficient LS: 
          min |Ax-b|^2 
       The range of A is a line. 
       b is a point not on the line. */ 
    A = { 1  2, 
          2  4, 
         -1 -2 }; 
    b = {1, 3, -2}; 
    call appcort(x,lindep,A,b); 
    print x; 
       0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667 -0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667 
       -0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667 0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667 
             0.4      -0.1      -0.1       0.4      -0.1      -0.1 
            -0.1       0.4      -0.1      -0.1       0.4      -0.1 
            -0.1      -0.1       0.4      -0.1      -0.1       0.4 
                       Pseudoinverse conditions satisfied 

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