Language Reference

Index Creation Operator:   :

creates an index vector


The index creation operator (:) creates a row vector with a first element that is value1. The second element is value1+1, and so on, as long as the elements are less than or equal to value2. For example, the following statement produces the vector i, as shown:


               I             1 row       4 cols    (numeric) 
                          7         8         9        10
If value1 is greater than value2, a reverse-order index is created. For example, the following statement produces the vector r, as shown:


               R             1 row       5 cols    (numeric) 
               10          9         8         7        6
The index creation operator also works on character arguments with a numeric suffix. For example, consider the following statement:
This statement produces the following result:
          VARLIST    1 row       5 cols    (character, size 4) 
                     var1  var2  var3  var4  var5
Use the DO function if you want an increment other than 1 or -1.

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