Language Reference

DO Function

produces an arithmetic series

DO( start, stop, increment)

The inputs to the DO function are as follows:
is the starting value for the series.

is the stopping value for the series.

is an increment value.

The DO function creates a row vector containing a sequence of numbers starting with start and incrementing by increment as long as the elements are less than or equal to stop (greater than or equal to stop for a negative increment). This function is a generalization of the index creation operator (:).

For example, consider the following statement:


This statements yields the following result:

          I             1 row       6 cols    (numeric) 
          3         6         9        12        15        18
Now consider the following statement:
This statement yields the following result:
           J             1 row       5 cols    (numeric) 
           3         2         1         0        -1

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