General Statistics Examples |
This example shows how an algorithm for computing alpha factor patterns (Kaiser and Caffrey 1965) is transcribed into IML code.
You can store the following ALPHA subroutine in an IML catalog and load it when needed.
/* Alpha Factor Analysis */ /* Ref: Kaiser et al., 1965 Psychometrika, pp. 12-13 */ /* r correlation matrix (n.s.) already set up */ /* p number of variables */ /* q number of factors */ /* h communalities */ /* m eigenvalues */ /* e eigenvectors */ /* f factor pattern */ /* (IQ,H2,HI,G,MM) temporary use. freed up */ /* */ start alpha; p=ncol(r); q=0; h=0; /* initialize */ h2=i(p)-diag(1/vecdiag(inv(r))); /* smcs */ do while(max(abs(h-h2))>.001); /* iterate until converges */ h=h2; hi=diag(sqrt(1/vecdiag(h))); g=hi*(r-i(p))*hi+i(p); call eigen(m,e,g); /* get eigenvalues and vecs */ if q=0 then do; q=sum(m>1); /* number of factors */ iq=1:q; end; /* index vector */ mm=diag(sqrt(m[iq,])); /* collapse eigvals */ e=e[,iq] ; /* collapse eigvecs */ h2=h*diag((e*mm) [,##]); /* new communalities */ end; hi=sqrt(h); h=vecdiag(h2); f=hi*e*mm; /* resulting pattern */ free iq h2 hi g mm; /* free temporaries */ finish; /* Correlation Matrix from Harmon, Modern Factor Analysis, */ /* Second edition, page 124, "Eight Physical Variables" */ r={1.000 .846 .805 .859 .473 .398 .301 .382 , .846 1.000 .881 .826 .376 .326 .277 .415 , .805 .881 1.000 .801 .380 .319 .237 .345 , .859 .826 .801 1.000 .436 .329 .327 .365 , .473 .376 .380 .436 1.000 .762 .730 .629 , .398 .326 .319 .329 .762 1.000 .583 .577 , .301 .277 .237 .327 .730 .583 1.000 .539 , .382 .415 .345 .365 .629 .577 .539 1.000}; nm = {Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8}; run alpha; print ,"EIGENVALUES" , m; print ,"COMMUNALITIES" , h[rowname=nm]; print ,"FACTOR PATTERN", f[rowname=nm];
The results are shown in Output 8.4.1.
Output 8.4.1: Alpha Factor Analysis: Results
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