General Statistics Examples |
This example shows a regression module that calculates statistics not calculated by the two previous examples. Here is the program.
/* Regression Routine */ /* Given X and Y, this fits Y = X B + E */ /* by least squares. */ start reg; n=nrow(x); /* number of observations */ k=ncol(x); /* number of variables */ xpx=x`*x; /* crossproducts */ xpy=x`*y; xpxi=inv(xpx); /* inverse crossproducts */ b=xpxi*xpy; /* parameter estimates */ yhat=x*b; /* predicted values */ resid=y-yhat; /* residuals */ sse=resid`*resid; /* sum of squared errors */ dfe=n-k; /* degrees of freedom error */ mse=sse/dfe; /* mean squared error */ rmse=sqrt(mse); /* root mean squared error */ covb=xpxi#mse; /* covariance of estimates */ stdb=sqrt(vecdiag(covb)); /* standard errors */ t=b/stdb; /* ttest for estimates=0 */ probt=1-probf(t#t,1,dfe); /* significance probability */ print name b stdb t probt; s=diag(1/stdb); corrb=s*covb*s; /* correlation of estimates */ print ,"Covariance of Estimates", covb[r=name c=name] , "Correlation of Estimates",corrb[r=name c=name] ; if nrow(tval)=0 then return; /* is a t value specified? */ projx=x*xpxi*x`; /* hat matrix */ vresid=(i(n)-projx)*mse; /* covariance of residuals */ vpred=projx#mse; /* covariance of predicted values */ h=vecdiag(projx); /* hat leverage values */ lowerm=yhat-tval#sqrt(h*mse); /* low. conf. lim. for mean */ upperm=yhat+tval#sqrt(h*mse); /* upper limit for mean */ lower=yhat-tval#sqrt(h*mse+mse); /* lower limit for indiv */ upper=yhat+tval#sqrt(h*mse+mse); /* upper limit for indiv */ print ,,"Predicted Values, Residuals, and Limits" ,, y yhat resid h lowerm upperm lower upper; finish reg;
/* Routine to test a linear combination of the estimates */ /* given L, this routine tests hypothesis that LB = 0. */ start test; dfn=nrow(L); Lb=L*b; vLb=L*xpxi*L`; q=Lb`*inv(vLb)*Lb /dfn; f=q/mse; prob=1-probf(f,dfn,dfe); print ,f dfn dfe prob; finish test; /* Run it on population of U.S. for decades beginning 1790 */ x= { 1 1 1, 1 2 4, 1 3 9, 1 4 16, 1 5 25, 1 6 36, 1 7 49, 1 8 64 }; y= {3.929,5.308,7.239,9.638,12.866,17.069,23.191,31.443}; name={"Intercept", "Decade", "Decade**2" }; tval=2.57; /* for 5 df at 0.025 level to get 95% conf. int. */ reset fw=7; run reg; do; print ,"TEST Coef for Linear"; L={0 1 0 }; run test; print ,"TEST Coef for Linear,Quad"; L={0 1 0,0 0 1}; run test; print ,"TEST Linear+Quad = 0"; L={0 1 1 }; run test; end;
The results are shown in Output 8.3.1.
Output 8.3.1: Regression Results
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