Interacting with Plots

Keyboard Shortcuts in Plots

All plots support the standard Microsoft Windows control sequences listed in

Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Standard Control Sequences in Plots
Key Action
CTRL+A Select all observations that are included in the plots.
CTRL+C Copy the plot to Windows clipboard.
CTRL+P Print the plot.

All plots support the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2: Keys and Actions in All Plots
Key Action
0, 1--9 Set the color of selected observations to the color specified in Table 8.3. If no observations are selected, set the marker color of all observations.
A Select all observations that are included in the plots.
B Apply a color blend according to values of the X variable. (Plots with multiple X variables ignore this key.) Bar charts and histograms also color each bin according to the color blend.
C Select the complement of the selected observations.
E Exclude selected observations from plots and analyses.
G Toggle a reference line grid.
I Include selected observations in plots and analyses.
L Toggle labels on bars or observations.
X, Y, Z Display axis property dialog box for the corresponding axis.

Ten predefined colors are associated with number keys. Table 8.3 lists the color associated with the digits 0 - 9.

Table 8.3: Keys and Colors in Plots
Key Color
0 Black
1 Red
2 Green
3 Blue
4 Gold
5 Magenta
6 Olive
7 Steel
8 Brown
9 Violet

Area plots (histogram, bar chart, and mosaic plot) support the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Keys and Actions in Area Plots
Key Action
H Toggle filling the bars.
P Cycle through displaying frequency, percentages, and (for histograms) density on the Y axis.
CTRL+digit Set the percentage threshold for the "Others" category. For example, CTRL+4 sets the threshold to 4%, whereas CTRL+0 sets the threshold to 0% and therefore turns off the "Others" category. (The histogram ignores this key.)

Point plots (any plot that displays individual observations) support the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 8.5.

Table 8.5: Keys and Actions in Point Plots
Key Action
F2 Display the observation inspector for any observations beneath the mouse pointer.
SHIFT+F2 Toggle observation inspector mode, as described in the section "The Observation Inspector".
H Toggle the "show only selected observations" option.
[ or ] (square bracket) Toggle fixed aspect ratio. (The box plot ignores this key.)
CTRL+UP ARROW,      CTRL+DOWN ARROW Increase or decrease the size of markers.
ALT+UP ARROW      ALT+DOWN ARROW Increase or decrease the size difference between selected and unselected markers.

Box plots support the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6: Keys and Actions in Box Plots
Key Action
M Toggle displaying the mean and standard deviation.
N Toggle displaying the notches that measure the significance of the difference between two medians.
HYPHEN Toggle displaying serifs.

Line plots support the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 8.7.

Table 8.7: Keys and Actions in Line Plots
Key Action
0--9 Set the color of the selected lines. The colors are listed in Table 8.3.
ESC Deselect all lines.
CTRL+PAGE UP,      CTRL+PAGE DOWN Select the previous or next line. (Select the first line if no line is selected.)
CTRL+UP ARROW,      CTRL+DOWN ARROW Increase or decrease the width of selected lines.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW,      CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Cycle through line styles for the selected lines.

Rotating plots support the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 8.8.

Table 8.8: Keys and Actions in Rotating Plots
Key Action
UP ARROW,      DOWN ARROW Rotate up or down.
LEFT ARROW,      RIGHT ARROW Rotate left or right.
PAGE UP,      PAGE DOWN Rotate about an axis perpendicular to the computer monitor.
CTRL+B Toggle displaying the frame box.
CTRL+D Toggle depth perception.
CTRL+G Toggle displaying the surface graph.
CTRL+R Toggle displaying rays from the origin.

Polygon plots support the keyboard shortcut listed in Table 8.9.

Table 8.9: Keys and Actions in Polygon Plots
Key Action
CTRL+ALT+F Toggle filling the polygons.
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