Getting Started: Exploratory Data Analysis of Tropical Cyclones

Creating a Scatter Plot

In this section you examine the relationship between wind speed and atmospheric pressure for tropical cyclones. The National Hurricane Center routinely reports both of these quantities as indicators of a storm's intensity. The figures in this section assume that you have excluded observations with low wind speeds as described in the "Creating a Bar Chart" section.

Select Graph \blacktriangleright\,Scatter Plot from the main menu.

The scatter plot dialog box appears as in Figure 2.12.

ugedascatterdlg.png (7948 bytes)

Figure 2.12: Scatter Plot Dialog Box

Select the variable wind_kts, and click Set Y.

Select the variable min_pressure, and click Set X.

Click OK.

A scatter plot appears as in Figure 2.13.

ugedascatter.png (7552 bytes)

Figure 2.13: Wind Speed versus Minimum Pressure

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