The Data Table

Changing Marker Properties

You can change the markers used to represent observations. You can use marker shapes and colors to represent observations that share common properties. Marker shapes often used to discriminate observations with different values of a categorical variable (for example, male versus female). Marker colors can also be used for this purpose, or can represent a continuous variable. Chapter 9, "General Plot Properties," describes coloring markers by a continuous variable.

Select Edit \blacktriangleright\,Observations \blacktriangleright\,Marker Properties from the main menu to open the Marker Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 4.8.

ugdtmarkerdlg.png (4618 bytes)

Figure 4.8: The Marker Properties Dialog Box

The following list describes each item in the dialog box.

sets the marker shape for the observations.
sets the marker outline color for the observations.
sets the marker fill color for the observations.
shows what the marker with the specified shape and colors looks like.
Apply to
specifies the set of observations whose markers will change. By default, changes are applied to only the selected observations.
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