Edit the Contents of a Collection Portlet

Main Steps for Editing the Contents of a Collection Portlet

You can edit the contents of a collection portlet that you created. If you are designated as a group content administrator, you can also edit the contents of collection portlets that have been shared with the respective group.
To edit the contents of a collection portlet, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the page where the collection portlet is displayed.
  2. In the portlet's title bar, click the Edit Contents icon Edit contents icon .
  3. When you are finished editing the portlet contents, click OK on the Edit Portlet Content page. The portal page appears with the newly edited portlet.
  4. In the Edit Portlet Content page, click OK.
    Note: If you have added content items to the portlet and you click Cancel, those items appear in the portlet despite the Cancel operation. Cancel is used to cancel changes within the Edit Portlet Content page, such as sorting items in the portlet. Cancel does not cancel any items that you have added to the portlet.

Specify Whether to Display Descriptions and Locations of Items in a Collection Portlet

If you want the portlet to display a short description of each item below the item's name, click Show description on the Edit Portlet Content page.
If you want the portlet to display each item's location (path) below the item's name, click Show location on the Edit Portlet Content page.

Change the Sort Order of Packages in Channels

You can specify the sort order for packages that are in a publication channel that you have added to the portlet. Packages are sorted by creation date.
Note: You can change the sort order of packages only when the packages are in a channel. The channel must be added to the collection portlet.
Select one of the following buttons:
  • Use preferences setting to use the order that is specified in the preferences. For more information about preferences, see Change User Preferences.
  • Ascending to sort the packages so that the oldest packages are at the top.
  • Descending to sort the packages so that the newest packages are at the top.

Change the Order of Content Items in a Collection Portlet

You can change the placement of a content item in the portlet as follows:
  1. In the Item box on the Edit Portlet Content page, click the item's name.
  2. Click the up arrow or the down arrow to move the item up or down in the list.

Edit an Application, Link, or Syndication Channel That You Created Previously

You can edit an application, link, or syndication channel that you created previously as follows:
  1. In the Items box on the Edit Portlet Content page, click the item you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit icon Edit icon to the right of the list box.
    Note: The Edit icon is displayed only for those items that you are authorized to edit.
  3. On the Edit Application, Edit Link, or Edit Syndication Channel page, make your changes to the name, description, URL, and keywords. For more information about these fields, see the following topics:
    If you are a group content administrator, you can also update the group with which the item is shared. For more information, see Share an Application, Link, or Syndication Channel.
  4. Click OK.

Remove an Item from a Collection Portlet

You can remove a content item from the portlet as follows:
  1. In the Items box on the Edit Portlet Content page, click the item's name.
  2. Click the Remove icon remove icon .
    Note: The item is removed from the portlet, but it can be located by using the portal's Search tool.

Create New Applications, Links, or Syndication Channels for a Collection Portlet

You can create one or more new applications, links, or syndication channels to add to the portlet. Follow these steps:
  1. On the Edit Portlet Content page, click Add Items .
  2. On the Create tab of the Add items to Portlet page, click Application, Link, or Syndication Channel to specify which type of content you want to add.
  3. To define the application, link, or syndication channel, enter the following:
    Short name to identify the application, link, or syndication channel in the portlet.
    Short description that appears with the item's name in search results.
    The exact URL address for the application, link, or syndication channel, including the protocol (for example, http://).
    Single words that you or other users can use to search for this application, link, or syndication channel. Use spaces to separate keywords.
    Note: To ensure efficient searching, develop a standard list of keywords and use these keywords consistently.
    Location (group)
    This field appears only if you are a group content administrator. If you are a group content administrator, you can select a group with which to share the new application, link, or syndication channel. For more information, see Share an Application, Link, or Syndication Channel.
  4. Click Add.
    A message appears, indicating that the item was added.
  5. To create more applications, links, or syndication channels to add to the portlet, repeat steps 2 through 4. When you are finished adding items, click Done. Once you click Done, the items are added to the portlet.

Add Predefined Content Items to the Collection Portlet

To add one or more predefined content items to the portlet, follow these steps:
  1. Click Add Items on the Edit Portlet Content page.
  2. On the Add Items to Portlet page, click the Search tab.
  3. Enter search criteria for the item(s) that you want to add. For information about searching, see Search for Content.
  4. Click Search.
    The list of search results appears on the right side of the page. The list includes only content items that you are authorized to access.
  5. In the search results list, select the check box for each item that you want to add to the portlet. Then click Add.
    Note: If the search results list spans multiple pages, you can add items from only one results page at a time. Any selections on other pages are ignored.
    A message appears, indicating how many items were added.
  6. If you want to preview a content item before adding it to the portlet, click the item name.
    The item appears in the browser window. After previewing the item, you can do either of the following:
    • Click Add this item to add the content item to the portlet.
      The Add Items to Portlet page appears, and a checkmark appears in the item's check box in the search results.
    • Click Search in the banner to return to the Add Items to Portlet page without adding the content item.
  7. To add more items to the portlet, repeat steps 3 through 6. When you are finished adding items, click Done. Once you click Done, the items are added to the portlet.