Search for Content

Use the search tool to search for specific content that has been registered in the SAS Information Delivery Portal.
The content that you can search for includes pages, page templates, portlets, and content items. Content items can be applications, links, syndication channels, files, SAS Information Maps, packages, publication channels, SAS Reports, and SAS Stored Processes.
To perform a search:
  1. Click Search in the banner.
    The search panel appears.
  2. Enter the following:
    Use either of these methods:
    • Enter one or more words, each separated by a space.
      The search tool returns all of the content whose metadata (name, description, or keywords) contains one or more of the words that you entered.
    • Enter a phrase consisting of two or more words, and place double quotation marks around the phrase.
      The search tool returns all of the content whose metadata (name, description, or keywords) contains the exact phrase that you entered.
    Alternatively, you can search for all content by entering an asterisk (*) with no other text. An asterisk acts as a wildcard only when you enter it by itself. For example, to find Sales History, First Quarter Sales, and Monthly Sales Forecast, you would enter the search term sales. Do not enter sales*, *sales, or *sales* unless you are searching for a name or description that actually contains the asterisks.
    Note: Using an asterisk can slow down your search and return a large amount of content. Use the asterisk sparingly. To narrow this type of search, you should also select one of the content type check boxes, as described below.
    Content Types
    Select one or more check boxes to indicate which content types you want to find. (If you want to find all content types, click the Select All check box.)
    Note: You must select at least one content type. Otherwise, no search results are returned.
    Results per page
    From the drop-down list, select the number of search results to be displayed on each page. The default is 20 results.
  3. Click Search.
    The search results appear on the right side of the page. The search tool returns public content as well as any content that you are authorized to access.