About Information Map Viewer Portlets

An information map viewer portlet displays data by using bookmarks that you create in the Visual Data Explorer component. For more information about the Visual Data Explorer, see Overview of Viewing Information Maps.
You can create your own information map viewer portlets to display the bookmarks that you specify.
When you first create an information map viewer portlet, it contains a blank table similar to the following example:
blank table
After you create the portlet, you must edit the portlet contents and specify which bookmark you want to display. Here is an example of an information map viewer portlet that displays both a tabular view and a graphical view of data:
information map viewer portlet that displays both a tabular view and a graphical view of data
The tables and graphs that are displayed within the information map viewer portlet are not interactive. To change the content, you must edit the bookmark that is displayed by using the Visual Data Explorer.
In an information map viewer portlet, you can perform the following actions:
  • Open the bookmark in the Visual Data Explorer by clicking the name of the bookmark at the top of the portlet.
  • Refresh the display to show the latest changes by clicking Refresh.