Specifies how many bytes SAS uses to store a variable's value.
Valid: |
in a DATA step
OpenVMS specifics: |
valid numeric variable lengths
See: |
LENGTH Statement in
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
LENGTH <variable-specification-1>
<. . .variable-specification-n><DEFAULT=n>;
can range from 3 to 8 bytes for numeric
variables in the OpenVMS on HP Integrity
Servers environment.
changes the default number of bytes used
for storing the values of newly created numeric variables from 8 to the value
of n.
In the OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers environment, n can range from 3 to 8
The LENGTH statement specifies the number
of bytes used for storing variables.
In general, the length of a variable depends on
whether the variable is numeric or
how the variable was created
whether a LENGTH or ATTRIB statement is
Subject to the rules for assigning lengths, lengths
that are assigned with the LENGTH statement can be changed in the ATTRIB statement
and vice
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