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Formats under OpenVMS

HEXw. Format: OpenVMS

Converts real-binary (floating-point) values to hexadecimal values.
Category: numeric
Width range: 1 to 16
Default width: 8
Alignment: left
OpenVMS specifics: ASCII character-encoding system
See: HEXw. Format in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

See Also




specifies the width of the output field. When you specify a w value of 1 through 15, the real binary number is truncated to a fixed-point integer before being converted to hexadecimal notation. When you specify 16 for the w value, the floating-point value of the number is used; in other words, the number is not truncated.


Each byte requires two columns to represent the corresponding hexadecimal characters. Under OpenVMS, the hexadecimal format of the number is stored in ASCII representation. For example, the decimal integer 17 has a hexadecimal value of 11, so the HEX2. format of 17 is 11.

If HEX16. is specified, the floating-point number is not converted to an integer, and you receive the hexadecimal representation of the native floating-point representation. The bytes of the number are printed so that the left-most byte is of the lowest significance. For more information about OpenVMS floating-point representation, see HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual, Volume II, Part I, OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine.

See Also

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