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Formats under z/OS

RBw.d Format: z/OS

Writes values in real binary (floating-point) format.
Width range: 2-8 bytes
Default width: 4
Decimal range: 0-10
Alignment: left
z/OS specifics: IBM floating-point format
See: RBw.d Format in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

See Also


The format of floating-point numbers is host-specific. See SAS Language Reference: Concepts for a description of the format that is used to store floating-point numbers under z/OS.

If the format includes a d value, the number is multiplied by 10d.

Here are some examples of how decimal numbers are written as floating-point numbers using the RBw.d format:

Value Format Results (Hexadecimal) Notes
123 rb8.1
a d value of 1 causes the number to be multiplied by 101
123 rb8.2
a d value of 2 causes the number to be multiplied by 102
-123 rb8.

1234 rb8.

1234 rb2.
truncation occurred
12.25 rb8.

Note:   In these examples, the Value column represents the value of the data, and the Results column shows a hexadecimal representation of the bit pattern written by the corresponding format. (You cannot view this data in a text editor, unless you can view it in hexadecimal representation.)  [cautionend]

See Also

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