To add titles or footnotes to
a graph, use one or more ENTRYTITLE or ENTRYFOOTNOTE statements. These
statements must appear inside the BEGINGRAPH block, but outside any
layout blocks. The following code shows the typical placement of these
entrytitle "Title One";
entrytitle "Title Two";
layout overlay;
scatterplot x=height y=weight;
entryfootnote "Footnote One";
entryfootnote "Footnote Two";
However, the following
statement placement yields the same result:
entryfootnote "Footnote One";
entrytitle "Title One";
layout overlay;
scatterplot x=height y=weight;
entryfootnote "Footnote Two";
entrytitle "Title Two";
Note: a light gray border was added
to the graph area to indicate the boundaries between the separate
Unlike SAS TITLE and
FOOTNOTE statements, the GTL statements are not numbered. If you include
multiple ENTRYTITLE or ENTRYFOOTNOTE statements, the titles or footnotes
will be stacked in the specified order —all ENTRYTITLE statements
are gathered and placed in the ENTRYTITLE area at the top of the graph,
and all ENTRYFOOTNOTE statements are gathered and placed in the ENTRYFOOTNOTE
area at the bottom of the graph.
You can add as many
titles and footnotes as you want. However, the space that is needed
to accommodate the titles and footnotes always decreases the height
of the graphical area. For graphs with extensive titles or footnotes,
you should consider enlarging the graph size. For a discussion on
sizing graphs,
see Controlling Graph Size.