Controlling the Interactions of Classifiers

Whenever you have classifiers with a large number of unique levels, the potential exists for generating a large number of cells in the panel. If you do not want to see all classification levels, you can limit the crossings by using a WHERE expression when creating the input data. Or, you can use a WHERE expression as part of the PROC SGRENDER step that renders the graph.

Appearance of the Last Panel

If you set the ROWS= and COLUMNS= options to define a relatively small grid, PROC SGRENDER automatically generates as many separate panels as it takes to exhaust all the classification levels. Depending on the grid size and total number of classification levels, one or more empty cells might be created on the last panel to complete the grid. For example, if there are seven classification levels and you define a 2x2 grid, two panels are created (with different names), and the last panel contains one empty cell:
layout datapanel classvars=(product_category) /
    rows=2 columns=2
    rowaxisopts=(griddisplay=on offsetmin=0
    display=(tickvalues) linearopts=(tickvalueformat=dollar12.));
  layout prototype;
    barchart x=year y=profit / fillattrs=GraphData1;
  sidebar / align=top;
    entry  "Profit for Selected Sports Items" /
First Panel of Graph
Second Panel of Graph
To eliminate empty cells on the last panel, you can specify SKIPEMPTYCELLS=TRUE:
layout datapanel classvars=(product_category) /
    rows=2 columns=2
    rowaxisopts=(griddisplay=on offsetmin=0
    display=(tickvalues) linearopts=(tickvalueformat=dollar12.));
The SKIPEMPTYCELLS= option also applies to a DATALATTICE layout. The following output shows the last panel when Division has two levels and Product has three levels, while ROWS=2 and COLUMNS=2. When SKIPEMPTYCELLS=FALSE, the last panel will have a column of empty cells. Entire rows or columns of empty cells can be removed by setting SKIPEMPTYCELLS=TRUE.

User Control of Panel Generation

It is possible to control the generation of panels. Consider the following output, in which each panel displays in its upper right corner the current panel number and the total number of panels:
Controlling Panels, Panel 1 of 3
Controlling Panels, Panel 2 of 3
Controlling Panels, Panel 3 of 3
Normally, when the number of cells to be created in a panel is greater than the defined panel size in the template (rows * columns), then the SGRENDER procedure automatically produces the number of panel graphs that are necessary to draw all of the cells in the data. However, you can instruct the template to create only one panel, which is specified by the PANELNUMBER= option. This feature can be used to control the creation of the panels.
For example, the preceding panels were generated with the following template code, which uses the NMVAR statement to declare macro variables that will resolve as numbers. The PANELNUMBER=PANELNUM setting is a directive indicating which panel to produce. The ENTRYTITLE statement changes as the panel number changes. For more information about how to pass information to a template at run time, see Using Dynamics and Macro Variables to Make Flexible Templates.
proc template;
define statgraph panelgen;
    entrytitle halign=right "Panel " PANELNUM " of " TOTPANELS /
    layout datapanel classvars=(product division) /
        rows=ROWS columns=COLS
        cellheightmin=50 cellwidthmin=50
        columnaxisopts=(type=time timeopts=(tickvalueformat=month.))
      layout prototype;
        seriesplot x=month y=actual / lineattrs=GraphData1;
      sidebar / align=top;
        entry "Office Furniture Sales for " YEAR /
Now that the template is defined, a macro is needed to compute the number of panels that will be generated, execute PROC SGRENDER an appropriate number of times, and initialize the macro variables that are referenced in the template. The macro parameters ROWS and COLUMNS allow different grid sizes to be used. The graph size changes based on the grid size.
%macro panels(rows=1,cols=1,year=1994);
  %local div_vals prod_vals panels totpanels panelnumber;

  /* find the number of unique values for the classifiers */
  proc sql noprint;
    select n(distinct division) into: div_vals from sashelp.prdsale;
    select n(distinct product) into: prod_vals from sashelp.prdsale; 

  /* compute the number of panels based on input rows and cols */
  %let panels=%sysevalf(&div_vals * &prod_vals / (&rows * &cols));
  %let totpanels=%sysfunc(ceil(&panels)); /* round up to next integer */

  ods graphics / reset ;
  ods html close;
  ods listing style=listing gpath="." image_dpi=200;

  %do panelnum=1 %to &totpanels;
    ods graphics / imagename="Panel&panelnum"
      width=%sysevalf(200*&cols)px height=%sysevalf(200*&rows)px;

    proc sgrender data=sashelp.prdsale template=panelgen;
      where country="U.S.A." and region="EAST" and year=&year;


  ods listing close;
  ods html;
The three panels that are shown at the beginning of this section were produced with the following macro call:
If you invoke the macro with different grid dimensions, the number of panels is recomputed and a new graph size is set. For example, if the following macro call is issued, two panels are generated (only the last panel is shown here):
Second of Two Panels

Sparse Data

Multiple classifiers sometimes have a hierarchical relationship, which results in very sparse data when the classifier values are crossed. For example, consider the following LAYOUT DATAPANEL statement:
layout datapanel classvars=(state city) / rows=4 columns=5;
Assume that the data for the STATE and CITY classifiers contains information for 20 states and their capitals. How many panels would you expect to produce? One, or twenty? Or 400?
The answer is one panel, which is the desired result. A single panel is produced because even though the default DATAPANEL layout attempts to generate a complete Cartesian product of the crossing values (400 STATE*CITY crossings in this case), it does not create panel cells for crossings that have no data. The SPARSE= option controls whether panel cells are created when you have no observations for a crossing, and by default SPARSE=FALSE.
The DATALATTICE layout does not support a SPARSE= option. The DATALATTICE creates a row / column for each unique value of the ROWVAR / COLUMNVAR. So a cell is created for all crossings of the two variable values, thus creating 400 cells.
Sometimes there are unexpected gaps in the data when classification variables are crossed. For example, suppose you are conducting a study where a number of subjects each receives over time four treatments that might lower the subject's heart rate after various amounts of physical activity. However, assume that Subject 101 did not get Treatment 3, and Subject 102 did not get Treatment 2. In this case, when you create a DATAPANEL layout presenting four treatments for three subjects per panel, the expected alignment of the columns does not work:
Column Alignment Does Not Work
In this situation, you can generate a placeholder cell whenever a subject misses a treatment. To do so, specify SPARSE=TRUE for the layout panel.
proc template;
 define statgraph sparse;
  begingraph / designwidth=490px designheight=450px;
    entrytitle  "Heart Rates for Subjects";
    layout datapanel classvars=(subject treatment) /
        columns=4 rows=3 
        cellheightmin=50 cellwidthmin=50
        rowaxisopts=(display=(label) offsetmin=0);
      layout prototype;
        barchart x=task y=heartrate / barlabel=true;
The SPARSE= option does not apply to DATALATTICE layouts because they are inherently sparse. When you specify two classifiers, the DATALATTICE layout manages this situation automatically.
proc template;
 define statgraph datalattice;
  begingraph / designwidth=490px designheight=400px;
    entrytitle  "Heart Rates for Subjects";
    layout datalattice rowvar=subject columnvar=treatment /
        rows=3  rowgutter=5px
        cellheightmin=50 cellwidthmin=50
        rowaxisopts=(display=none displaysecondary=(label) offsetmin=0);
      layout prototype;
        barchart x=task y=heartrate / barlabel=true;

Missing Values

By default, missing class values are included in the classification levels for the panel. When the data contains missing classification values, cells are created in the panel for the missing classes. The classification headers for the missing values are either blank for missing string values or a dot for missing numeric values. You can use the INCLUDEMISSINGCLASS=FALSE option to ignore the missing values. If you prefer to keep the missing values, you can create a format that specifies more meaningful headings for the missing classes. Here is an example that creates a format for missing product name and branch number classes.
proc format;
  value $prdfmt	" "="Missing Product";
  value branchfmt .="Missing Branch";
The format is applied to the classification columns in the PROC SGRENDER statement. For the missing data, the labels specified in the format statement are used as the headings for the missing classes.