Example Program and Statement Details

Example Graph

The following graph was generated by the Example Program:
example axes in a DATALATTICE layout

Example Program

This example shows how axis attributes can be managed separately for even and odd columns and rows in the layout grid. In this case, the ROWAXISOPTS= option is used to stagger the Y-axes attributes:
  • On the primary (left) Y axis, DISPLAY= displays TICKS and TICKVALUES on the first and third rows, while ALTDISPLAY= displays just TICKS on the second row.
  • On the secondary (right) Y axis, DISPLAYSECONDARY= displays just TICKS on the first and third rows, while ALTDISPLAYSECONDARY= displays TICKS and TICKVALUES on the second row.
  • This alternating pattern could also have been set for the column axes. The pattern is independent of the number of rows and columns.
proc template;
 define statgraph layoutdatalattice;
    entrytitle "Annual Furniture Sales Comparisons";
    layout datalattice rowvar=country columnvar=year / 
        altdisplaysecondary=(ticks tickvalues)
      layout prototype / cycleattrs=true;
        seriesplot x=month y=TotalActual / name="Actual";
        seriesplot x=month y=TotalPredict / name="Predict";		
      sidebar / align=bottom; 
        discretelegend "Actual" "Predict" / border=false;

proc summary data=sashelp.prdsal2 nway;
  class country year month;
  var actual predict;
  output out=prdsal2 sum=TotalActual TotalPredict;

proc sgrender data=prdsal2 template=layoutdatalattice;

Statement Summary

The LAYOUT DATALATTICE and LAYOUT DATAPANEL statements each create a grid of graphs based on the values of one or more classification variables. In the grid, the axes are always external and displayed on the “primary” axes by default. The axes that are considered primary depend on the settings for the XAXIS= and YAXIS= options in plot statements that are specified within the LAYOUT PROTOTYPE. For managing the primary axes, both the LAYOUT DATALATTICE and LAYOUT DATAPANEL statements have COLUMNAXISOPTS=, COLUMN2AXISOPTS=, ROWAXISOPTS=, and ROW2AXISOPTS= options that manage the axis features separately for columns and rows. The settings that are available can manage odd and even columns and rows separately, enabling you to simplify the axis display within the grid.
The following table shows which axis is primary for the XAXIS= and YAXIS= settings, and which axis option to use to manage that primary axis.
Option Setting
Primary Axis
Axis Option to Use
X (bottom)
X2 (top)
Y (left)
Y2 (right)
The settings that are available for the axis options can manage odd and even columns and rows separately, enabling you to simplify the axis display within the grid.
  • To manage the first, third, and odd occurrences of a primary axis, use the DISPLAY= option.
  • To manage the second, fourth, and even occurrences of a primary axis, use the ALTDISPLAY= option.
You can also display “secondary” axes in the grid. A secondary axis is not an independent axis. Rather, it mirrors the primary axis, but it is displayed on the opposite side and can have different display options. For example, when the X axis (bottom) is primary, you can mirror that axis with a secondary X axis at the top of the grid. Similarly, when the Y2 axis (right) is primary, you can mirror that axis with a secondary Y2 axis on the left of the grid. A secondary axis makes it easier to interpolate values in the cells that are farthest away from the primary axis.
Secondary axes can be displayed in the graph, provided all plot statements in the LAYOUT PROTOTYPE map data to the same primary axis. For example, a secondary X axis can be displayed at the top of the layout, provided all plot statements set XAXIS=X to map data to the primary X axis (bottom). Similarly, a secondary Y2 axis can be displayed to the left in the layout, provided all plot statements set YAXIS=Y2 to map data to the primary Y2 axis (right). If all plot statements in the LAYOUT PROTOTYPE do not map data to the same primary axis, the secondary axes are not displayed.
To display secondary axes in the grid, use the DISPLAYSECONDARY= and ALTDISPLAYSECONDARY= options. As with the options for the primary axes, the DISPLAYSECONDARY= option manages the first, third, and odd occurrences of a secondary axis. The ALTDISPLAYSECONDARY= option manages the second, fourth, and even occurrences of a secondary axis.
In the default cases for the plots within the layout, the axis type is always DISCRETE, LINEAR, or TIME. The TYPE= option enables you to specify an axis type that overrides the default. For example, when appropriate for the data, you can request a LOG axis. When you override the default axis type, you must be sure to specify the correct axis type for the plot(s) that you are defining.
Each axis type has features specific to that type, and the following axis options enable you to specify features for the different types: DISCRETEOPTS= , LINEAROPTS= , LOGOPTS= , and TIMEOPTS= . One or more of these options can be specified for an axis, but the specified settings are applied only to the axis type that supports them.
Note: Certain plot types or layouts sometimes impose restrictions on what type of axis can be assigned. See the plot or layout documentation for default axis types and any restrictions that might apply.

General Options for All Axes in the Layout

The options that are documented in this section can be used with any of the axis types that are supported within a DATALATTICE or DATAPANEL layout. Subsequent sections in the chapter document the axis options that are available only for specific axis types: discrete, linear, log, or time axes.
Statement Option
Controls which axis features are displayed on second, fourth, and other even row or column occurrences of the primary axis.
Controls which features are displayed on second, fourth, and other even row or column occurrences of the secondary axis.
Specifies options for a discrete axis.
Controls which axis features are displayed on first, third, and other odd row or column occurrences of the primary axis.
Controls which axis features are displayed on first, third, and other odd row or column occurrences the secondary axis.
Specifies the attributes of the grid lines.
Specifies whether axis grid lines are displayed.
Specifies the axis label.
Specifies the color and font attributes of the axis label.
Specifies options for a standard numeric interval axis.
Specifies options for a log axis.
Assigns a name to an axis for reference in other statements.
Reserves an area at the maximum end of the axis. No tick marks are displayed in the reserved area.
Reserves an area at the minimum end of the axis. No tick marks are displayed in the reserved area.
Specifies whether the tick values should appear in the reverse order.
Specifies an alternate axis label.
Specifies the color and font attributes of the axis tick value labels.
Specifies options for a TIME axis.
Specifies the type of axis to use.
ALTDISPLAY=STANDARD | ALL | NONE | (display-options)
controls which axis features are displayed on second, fourth, and other even row or column occurrences of the primary axis. For more information about the primary and secondary axes, see Statement Summary.
Default: The settings on the DISPLAY= option.
specifies that the LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed
specifies that LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed
specifies that no axis features are displayed
a list of space-delimited options, enclosed in parentheses. The list must include one or more of the following:
LABEL Displays the axis label. A common label is displayed at the center of the grid, and the label applies to all the primary axes in the row or column. This label is overridden by a label specified on the DISPLAY= option.
LINE Displays the axis line.
TICKS Displays the tick marks.
TICKVALUES Displays the values that are represented by the major tick marks.
The default line attributes for the axis line and axis tick marks are defined in the GraphAxisLine style element.
Tip: This option can be used to obtain the alternating axis information as seen in a ScatterPlotMatrix.
See Also: GRIDDISPLAY= and GRIDATTRS= for setting axis grid lines.
controls which features are displayed on second, fourth, and other even row or column occurrences of the secondary axis. For more information about the primary and secondary axes, see Statement Summary.
Default: The settings on the DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
specifies that no axis features are displayed
specifies that the LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed on the secondary axis
specifies that LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed on the secondary axis
a list of space-delimited options, enclosed in parentheses. The list must include one or more of the following:
LABEL Displays the axis label. A common label is displayed at the center of the grid, and the label applies to all the secondary axes in the row or column. This label is overridden by a label specified on the DISPLAY= option.
LINE Displays the axis line.
TICKS Displays the tick marks.
TICKVALUES Displays the values that are represented by the major tick marks.
The default line attributes for the axis line and axis tick marks are defined in the GraphAxisLine style element.
Restriction: A secondary axis is not an independent axis. Rather, it mirrors the primary axis (though it can use different display features). Thus, for this option to take effect, all plot statements in the LAYOUT PROTOTYPE must map data to the same primary axis. For example, a secondary X2 axis can be displayed on top in the layout, provided all plot statements set XAXIS=X to map data to the primary X axis (bottom). Similarly, a secondary Y2 axis can be displayed to the right in the layout, provided all plot statements set YAXIS=Y to map data to the primary Y axis (left). If some plot statements set XAXIS=X and others set XAXIS=X2, both the X and X2 axis are primary and a secondary X axis cannot be displayed. In that case, this option is ignored. The same applies for the Y axes.
Tip: This option can be used to obtain the alternating axis information as seen in a ScatterPlotMatrix.
See Also: GRIDDISPLAY= and GRIDATTRS= for setting axis grid lines.
specifies one or more options for a discrete axis. See Options for Discrete Axes.
DISPLAY=STANDARD | ALL | NONE | (display-options)
controls which axis features are displayed on first, third, and other odd row or column occurrences of the primary axis. For more information about the primary and secondary axes, see Statement Summary.
specifies that the LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed
specifies that LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed
specifies that no axis features are displayed
a list of space-delimited options, enclosed in parentheses. The list must include one or more of the following:
LABEL Displays the axis label. A common label is displayed at the center of the grid, and the label applies to all the primary axes in the row or column. This label overrides a label specified on the ALTDISPLAY= option.
LINE Displays the axis line.
TICKS Displays the tick marks.
TICKVALUES Displays the values that are represented by the major tick marks.
The default line attributes for the axis line and axis tick marks are defined in the GraphAxisLine style element.
See Also: GRIDDISPLAY= and GRIDATTRS= for setting axis grid lines.
controls which axis features are displayed on first, third, and other odd row or column occurrences of the secondary axis. For more information about the primary and secondary axes, see Statement Summary.
Default: NONE
specifies that no axis features are displayed
specifies that the LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed on the secondary axis
specifies that LABEL, LINE, TICKS, and TICKVALUES are displayed on the secondary axis
a list of space-delimited options, enclosed in parentheses. The list must include one or more of the following:
LABEL Displays the axis label. A common label is displayed at the center of the grid, and the label applies to all the secondary axes in the row or column. This label overrides a label specified on the ALTDISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
LINE Displays the axis line.
TICKS Displays the tick marks.
TICKVALUES Displays the values that are represented by the major tick marks.
Restriction: A secondary axis is not an independent axis. Rather, it mirrors the primary axis (though it can use different display features). Thus, for this option to take effect, all plot statements in the LAYOUT PROTOTYPE must map data to the same primary axis. For example, a secondary X2 axis can be displayed on top in the layout, provided all plot statements set XAXIS=X to map data to the primary X axis (bottom). Similarly, a secondary Y2 axis can be displayed to the right in the layout, provided all plot statements set YAXIS=Y to map data to the primary Y axis (left). If some plot statements set XAXIS=X and others set XAXIS=X2, both the X and X2 axis are primary and a secondary X axis cannot be displayed. In that case, this option is ignored. The same applies for the Y axes.
Tip: The default line attributes for the axis line and axis tick marks are defined in the GraphAxisLine style element.
Tip: See GRIDDISPLAY= and GRIDATTRS= for setting axis grid lines.
GRIDATTRS=style-element | style-element (line-options) | (line-options)
specifies the attributes of the grid lines. See General Syntax for Attribute Options for the syntax on using a style-element and Line Options for available line-options.
Default: The GraphGridLines style element.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the grid lines must be enabled by the ODS style or the GRIDDISPLAY= option.
specifies whether axis grid lines are displayed.
Default: AUTO_OFF
specifies that grid lines are not displayed unless the GraphGridLines element in the current style contains DisplayOpts="ON."
specifies that grid lines are displayed unless the GraphGridLines element in the current style contains DisplayOpts="OFF."
specifies that grid lines are always displayed. The current style has no override.
specifies that grid lines are never displayed. The current style has no override.
This option enables the template to absolutely control the display of grid lines or to allow interaction with the current style to decide whether grid lines are displayed.
Supplied styles use DisplayOpts="AUTO," which means that the style has no "preference" about grid lines and the graphics template setting for grid lines is always used.
Discussion: The following table shows the end results for various combinations of the GRIDDISPLAY= option and the DisplayOpts= attribute of the GraphGridLines style element. Most supplied templates use the default setting AUTO_OFF to indicate a preference for not displaying grid lines, but allowing the style to override.
DisplayOpts= style attribute
Grid Lines Shown?
any value
any value
LABEL="string" | ("string" …"string")
specifies the axis label. The string can be either a string literal or a dynamic. The list form implies that all included string literals or dynamics will be concatenated
Default: The default label is derived from the primary plot in the layout. For more information, see When Plots Share Data and a Common Axis.
Interaction: If the axis label is too long to fit along the axis, it is truncated by default. Use the SHORTLABEL= option to specify an alternate axis label to be used whenever truncation would normally occur.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the axis label must be enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
LABELATTRS=style-element | style-element (text-options) | (text-options)
specifies the color and font attributes of the axis label. See General Syntax for Attribute Options for the syntax on using a style-element and Text Options for available text-options.
Default: The GraphLabelText style element.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the axis label must be enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
specifies one or more linear axis options for a numeric interval axis. See Options for Linear Axes Only.
specifies one or more options for a log axis. See Options for Log Axes Only.
assigns a name to an axis for reference in other statements. Currently, it is used only in an AXISLEGEND statement.
Default: no default
Interaction: This option is ignored unless the axis is discrete. The axis can be discrete by default, or explicitly set to discrete with a TYPE=DISCRETE setting.
Interaction: For this option to take effect, an axis legend must be enabled. To enable an axis legend, the DISCRETEOPTS= option must set the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY to either EXTRACT or EXTRACTALWAYS. In addition, an AXISLEGEND statement must be specified to generate the axis legend.
reserves an area at the maximum end of the axis. No tick marks are displayed in the reserved area. For more information, see Adjusting Axis Offsets.
Range: 0 - 1. The sum of OFFSETMAX= and OFFSETMIN= should not be more than 1.
Reserves just enough area to fully display markers and other graphical features near the maximum end of an axis.
Automatic offset applied that prevents axis labels and tick values from extending beyond the axis length.
The offset is expressed as a decimal proportion of the full axis length. For a continuous axis, the offset follows the highest data value or highest tick value, whichever is greater.
reserves an area at the minimum end of the axis. No tick marks are displayed in the reserved area. For more information, see Adjusting Axis Offsets.
Range: 0 - 1. The sum of OFFSETMAX= and OFFSETMIN= should not be more than 1.
Reserves just enough area to fully display markers and other graphical features near the minimum end of an axis.
Automatic offset applied that prevents axis labels and tick values from extending beyond the axis length.
The offset is expressed as a decimal proportion of the full axis length. For a continuous axis, the offset precedes the lowest data value or lowest tick value, whichever is less.
specifies whether tick values should appear in the reverse order.
Default: FALSE
specifies an alternate axis label. This label is used when the default axis label or label specified by the LABEL= option is too long for the grid length or the grid width.
Default: no default
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the axis label must be enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
If the specified label is itself too long for the grid length or the grid width, it is truncated in the display.
TICKVALUEATTRS=style-element | style-element (text-options) | (text-options)
specifies the color and font attributes of the axis tick value labels. See General Syntax for Attribute Options for the syntax on using a style-element and Text Options for available text-options.
Default: The GraphValueText style element.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the tick values must be enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
specifies one or more options for a time axis. See Options for Time Axes Only.
specifies the type of axis to use.
Default: AUTO
Requests that the axis type be automatically determined by the plot or the overlay contents.
Use a DISCRETE axis if possible. The data for discrete axes can be character or numeric. You can add a DISCRETEOPTS= ( ) option list to customize this axis type.
Use a LINEAR axis if possible. You can add a LINEAROPTS= ( ) option list to customize this axis type.
Use a TIME axis if possible. Data for this axis must be SAS time, SAS date, or SAS datetime values. You can add a TIMEOPTS= ( ) option list to customize this axis type.
Use a LOG axis if possible. You can add a LOGOPTS= ( ) option list to customize this axis type.
Interaction: If this option is set to anything other than AUTO, plots within the layout are dropped from the display if their data types or data ranges do not match the axis type requirements. For more information, see Plot Axis Types Must Agree on Common Axes.
Interaction: After the axis type is determined (whether you set a specific type or AUTO is in effect), only options supported by that axis type can be used. For example, if TYPE=TIME, only the general OVERLAY axis options and those available on TIMEOPTS= are supported.

Options for Discrete Axes

All settings for discrete axes are set as options on the DISCRETEOPTS= option.
specifies one or more options for a discrete axis. Options must be enclosed in parentheses. Each option is specified as a name = value pair and each pair is space separated.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the axis type is not DISCRETE.
[discrete axis]
specifies the position of the axis tick mark.
MIDPOINT The tick mark is placed at the midpoint value location.
INBETWEEN The tick mark is placed half way between adjacent midpoint locations.
[discrete axis]
specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision.
Note: A Y or Y2 axis supports only the values NONE | THIN | EXTRACT | EXTRACTALWAYS
  • ROTATE for an X or X2 axis
  • NONE for a Y or Y2 axis
The collision-avoidance policy that is most effective depends on the number of tick values, their length, and the length of the axis. The policy can be one of the following:
NONE Do not attempt to fit ticks that collide. This value is not available for an X or X2 axis.
ROTATE Tick values are rotated 45 degrees. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
THIN Some tick values are removed.
ROTATETHIN Attempt ROTATE policy and then THIN policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
STAGGER Tick values alternate between two rows. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
STAGGERROTATE Attempt STAGGER policy and then ROTATE policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
STAGGERTHIN Attempt STAGGER policy and then THIN policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
STAGGERTRUNCATE Attempt STAGGER policy and then TRUNCATE policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
TRUNCATE Tick values are shortened when they exceed a certain number of characters. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
TRUNCATEROTATE Attempt TRUNCATE policy and then ROTATE policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
TRUNCATESTAGGER Attempt TRUNCATE policy and then STAGGER policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
TRUNCATETHIN Attempt TRUNCATE policy and then THIN policy. This value is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
EXTRACT Instead of actual tick values, display consecutive integers along the axis to represent those tick values. (See the Requirement for additional information.) In most cases, this policy is implemented if the system estimates that a collision might occur. If no collision occurs, the actual tick values are displayed on the axis in the normal manner.
EXTRACTALWAYS Same as EXTRACT, except that the extraction is implemented regardless of whether collision occurs.
Requirement: The EXTRACT and EXTRACTALWAYS policies must be used in conjunction with an AXISLEGEND statement. The AXISLEGEND statement creates a legend that correlates the actual tick values with the consecutive integers that are displayed as axis-tick values in the graph. The AXISLEGEND statement must reference this axis, using the name that is assigned to the axis in its NAME= axis option.

Options for Linear Axes Only

specifies one or more options for a numeric interval axis. Options must be enclosed in parentheses. Each option is specified as a name = value pair and each pair is space separated.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the axis type is not LINEAR.
Linear Axis Option
Specifies that evenly spaced integer values are used for tick marks.
Specifies a bias for including one more tick mark at the maximum end of the axis.
Specifies a bias for including one more tick mark at the minimum end of the axis.
Specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision. Only the default policy (THIN) is available for a Y or Y2 axis.
Specifies how to format the values for major tick marks.
Specifies the order of the tick values for a linear axis as list.
Specifies whether an axis tick specification can extend the axis data range.
Specifies the tick values for a linear axis by start, end, and increment.
Specifies the maximum data value to include in the display.
Specifies the minimum data value to include in the display.
[linear axis]
specifies that evenly spaced integer values are used for tick marks.
Default: FALSE
Interaction: This option is overridden by the TICKVALUELIST= or TICKVALUESEQUENCE= option.
Interaction: This option overrides the MAXDECIMALS= and PREFERREDDECIMALS= suboptions of the TICKVALUEFORMAT= option
[linear axis]
specifies a bias for including one more tick mark at the maximum end of the axis. For more information, see Adjusting Axis Thresholds.
Default: .30
Range: 0 - 1
Interaction: This option is ignored if the TICKVALUELIST= or TICKVALUESEQUENCE= option is used.
[linear axis]
specifies a bias for including one more tick mark at the minimum end of the axis. For more information, see Adjusting Axis Thresholds.
Default: .30
Range: 0 - 1
Interaction: This option is ignored if the TICKVALUELIST= or TICKVALUESEQUENCE= option is used.
[linear axis]
specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision. Only the default setting (THIN) is available for a Y or Y2 axis.
Default: THIN
Restriction: THIN is the only policy supported for the Y or Y2 axis.
If more than one policy is used, the values in the list are formatted according to the TICKVALUEFORMAT= option.
The policy can be any one of the following policies:
THIN Eliminate alternate tick values. Only available on COLUMNAXIS.
ROTATE Tick values are rotated 45 degrees.
ROTATETHIN Attempt ROTATE policy and then THIN policy.
STAGGER Tick values alternate between two rows.
STAGGERROTATE Attempt STAGGER policy and then ROTATE policy.
STAGGERTHIN Attempt STAGGER policy and then THIN policy.
TICKVALUEFORMAT=(format-options) | DATA | format
[linear axis]
specifies how to format the values for major tick marks.
specifies one or more major tick value formatting options. Together, these options provide parameters for determining an optimal format (w.d, Ew., BESTw.) for displaying major tick values.
MAXWIDTH = integer Specifies the maximum width for displayed tick values. Values might be rounded or converted to E notation to fit into this width.
MAXDECIMALS = integer Specifies the maximum number of decimals for displayed tick values. Values might be rounded or converted to E notation to fit into this width. MAXWIDTH > MAXDECIMALS
PREFERREDDECIMALS = integer Specifies the number of decimal places desired for most values. The actual number might vary based on other constraints.
EXTRACTSCALE = boolean Specifies whether to extract a scale factor from the tick values and use it to reduce the tick value width. For large tick values, the scale factor is set to ensure that the absolute value of the largest value is greater than 1. The scale can be millions, billions, or trillions for values of 999 trillion or less, or a multiple of 10 (denoted as 10^n) for values over 999 trillion. For small fractional tick values, the scale factor is set to ensure that the absolute value of the smallest value is greater than 1. The scale can be millionth, billionth, or trillionth for values of 1 trillionth or more, or a multiple of 1/10 (10^–n) for values less than 1 trillionth. The scale used is appended to the axis label. For example: Total Sales (millions).
Restriction: The scale that is extracted by the EXTRACTSCALE= option is derived from the English locale.
Note: When EXTRACTSCALE=TRUE and a scale is extracted, the tick values are formatted to provide the best fit on the axis. In that case, the tick value format might differ from the data format even when a named format is applied to the data values.
use the format that has been assigned to the variable(s) contributing to the axis (or BEST6. if no format is assigned) to control the formatting of the major tick values.
use this format to control how the major tick values are formatted.
Restriction: GTL currently honors most but not every SAS format. For details, see SAS Formats Not Supported.
Interaction: If the axis label is not displayed, the EXTRACTSCALE=TRUE option is ignored.
[linear axis]
specifies the tick values for a linear axis as list.
Default: An internal algorithm determines the tick marks based on the actual axis data range or the data range established by the VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options. By default, when this option is used, only tick values that appear are those in numeric-list that fall within the explicit data range (set by VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX=) or implicit data range (set by the actual data minimum and data maximum).
Requirement: The numeric-list must be enclosed in parentheses and each item separated by a blank.
Interaction: This option overrides the INTEGER= option.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the TICKVALUESEQUENCE= option is specified, or if the tick values are not enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
Interaction: The VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options alter the axis data range. If the VIEWMIN= option is set to the minimum tick list value and the VIEWMAX= option is set to the maximum tick list value, all ticks in the tick list are displayed. This might result in some data not being displayed. For example, data might not be displayed when the VIEWMIN= value is greater than the actual data minimum, or when the VIEWMAX= value is less than actual data maximum.
Interaction: If the TICKVALUEPRIORITY= is set to TRUE, 1) the VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options are ignored if they are fully enclosed by the numeric-list 2) the tick numeric-list can extend the implicit data range of the axis, but never reduce it.
The values in the list are formatted according to the setting for the TICKVALUEFORMAT= option.
[linear axis]
specifies whether an axis tick specification (TICKVALUELIST= or TICKVALUESEQUENCE=) can extend the axis data range.
Default: FALSE
the only tick values to appear are the user-specified tick values that fall within the explicit data range (set by VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= ) or implicit data range (set by the actual data minimum and data maximum).
the axis data range might be extended (but not reduced) to include the minimum and maximum specified by either the TICKVALUELIST= or TICKVALUESEQUENCE= option. If minimum and maximum of the user-specified values are within the data range, this option has no effect.
Interaction: When this option is set to TRUE, the VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options are ignored.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the tick marks must be enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
[linear axis]
specifies the tick values for a linear axis by start, end, and increment.
Default: An internal algorithm determines the tick marks based on the actual axis data range or the data range established by the VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options. By default when this option is used, the only tick values to appear are those that fall within the explicit data range (set by VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX=) or implicit data range (set by the actual data minimum and data maximum).
Three options that control major tick values. All three options must be provided.
START = number Specifies the value for the first tick mark.
END = number Specifies the value for the last tick mark.
INCREMENT = number Specifies the increment for intermediate tick marks between the first and last tick marks. The END value always controls the last tick mark. The interval between the last tick mark and the previous tick mark might not necessarily be the INCREMENT value.
Interaction: This option overrides the INTEGER= option.
Interaction: The VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options alter the axis data range. If the VIEWMIN= option is set to the START= option value and the VIEWMAX= option is set to the END= option value, all ticks in the tick sequence are displayed.
Interaction: If the TICKVALUEPRIORITY= option is set to TRUE, the tick sequence might extend the explicit data range of the axis, but never reduce it.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the tick marks must be enabled by the ODS style or the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
The values in the sequence are formatted according to the setting for the TICKVALUEFORMAT= option.
See also: TICKVALUELIST= option as an alternative for customizing tick marks.
VIEWMAX= number
[linear axis]
specifies the maximum data value to include in the display (the value might be adjusted by the threshold calculation). For more information, see Adjusting the Axis View.
Default: The maximum value in the data for the specified axis.
Interaction: This option does not determine the maximum axis tick value displayed. The THRESHOLDMAX= value is used to determine the maximum tick value.
Interaction: This option has no effect if the TICKVALUEPRIORITY= is set to TRUE.
Setting a VIEWMAX= or VIEWMIN= value does not alter the original data or any calculations on it.
VIEWMIN= number
[linear axis]
specifies the minimum data value to include in the display (the value might be adjusted by the threshold calculation). For more information, see Adjusting the Axis View.
Default: The minimum value in the data for the specified axis.
Interaction: This option does not determine the minimum axis tick value displayed. The THRESHOLDMIN= value is used to determine the maximum tick value.
Interaction: This option has no effect if the TICKVALUEPRIORITY= is set to TRUE.
Setting a VIEWMAX= or VIEWMIN= value does not alter the original data or any calculations on it.

Options for Log Axes Only

specifies one or more options for a log axis. Options must be enclosed in parentheses. Each option is specified as a name = value pair separated by a blank.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the axis type is not LOG.
Log Axis Option
Specifies the base of the logarithmic scale for the axis values.
Specifies whether minor ticks are displayed.
Specifies how to scale and format the values for major tick marks.
Specifies the maximum data value to include in the display.
Specifies the minimum data value to include in the display.
BASE=10 | 2 | E
[log axis]
specifies the base of the logarithmic scale for the axis values.
Default: 10
[log axis]
specifies whether minor ticks are displayed:
illustration of minor ticks
Default: FALSE
Restriction: Minor ticks can be displayed only when BASE=10 and TICKINTERVALSTYLE= is LOGEXPAND or LOGEXPONENT.
If minor ticks are displayed, the number of minor tick marks is automatically determined.
[log axis]
specifies how to scale and format the values for major tick marks.
Default: AUTO
Restriction: For LOGEXPAND and LOGEXPONENT, formats on data columns contributing to the axis are ignored. For LINEAR, ticks values are automatically formatted when the column format is not assigned or one of w.d, Ew., or BESTw. Other formats (SAS defined or user-defined) are used if specified.
Restriction: GTL currently honors most but not every SAS format. For details, see SAS Formats Not Supported.
If you use TICKINTERVALSTYLE=LOGEXPONENT, you might want to include information in the axis label about which base is used.
A LOGEXPAND, LOGEXPONENT, or LINEAR representation is chosen automatically based on the range of the data. When the data range is small (within an order of magnitude), a LINEAR representation is typically used. Data ranges that encompass several orders of magnitude typically use the LOGEXPAND or LOGEXPONENT representation.
Major ticks are placed at uniform intervals at integer powers of the base. The tick values are expanded as follows:
major ticks in base 10 Base=10
major ticks in base 2 Base=2
major ticks in base e Base=E
Major ticks are placed at uniform intervals at integer powers of the base. The tick values are only the integer exponents for all bases.
major ticks are integer exponents for the base
Major tick marks are placed at non-uniform intervals that cover the range of the data.
major ticks in linear format
Restriction: For LOGEXPONENT, formats on data columns contributing to the axis are ignored. For LOGEXPAND, formats on data columns contributing to the axis are ignored, although any "named format" on the column is retained. For LINEAR, ticks values are automatically formatted when the column format is not assigned or one of w.d, Ew. or BESTw. Other formats (SAS defined or user-defined) are used if specified.
Restriction: GTL currently honors most but not every SAS format. For details, see SAS Formats Not Supported.
Interaction: When BASE=10 and LOGEXPAND or LOGEXPONENT is used, an intermediate tick is added whenever the axis data range is less than or equal to 1.5 powers of 10.
If you use TICKINTERVALSTYLE=LOGEXPONENT, you might want to include information in the axis label about which base is used.
VIEWMAX= number
[log axis]
specifies the maximum data value to include in the display. For more information, see Adjusting the Axis View.
Default: The maximum value in the data for the specified axis.
Setting a VIEWMAX= or VIEWMIN= value does not alter the original data or any calculations on it.
VIEWMIN= number
[log axis]
specifies the minimum data value to include in the display. For more information, see Adjusting the Axis View.
Default: The minimum value in the data for the specified axis.
Setting a VIEWMAX= or VIEWMIN= value does not alter the original data or any calculations on it.

Options for Time Axes Only

specifies one or more options for a time axis.
Variables associated with a time axis must be in SAS time, SAS date, or SAS datetime units and have an associated SAS time, date, or datetime format.
Options must be enclosed in parentheses. Each option is specified as a name = value pair separated by a blank.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the axis type is not TIME.
Time Axis Option
Specifies that evenly spaced integer values are used for tick marks.
Specifies whether minor ticks are displayed.
Specifies whether to split the tick values on an X or X2 axis, if possible. This option is not available on a Y or Y2 axis.
Specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision on an X or X2 axis. This option is not available on a Y or Y2 axis.
Specifies how to format the values for major tick marks.
Specifies the order of the tick values for a time axis as list.
Specifies the maximum data value to include in the display.
Specifies the minimum data value to include in the display.
[time axis]
specifies the time interval between major ticks. Valid interval keywords are AUTO, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, TENDAY, WEEK, SEMIMONTH, MONTH, QUARTER, SEMIYEAR, YEAR.
The data column(s) mapped to a time axis must be in the same duration units: TIME, DATE, or DATETIME. The selection of an interval must be consistent with the duration unit. For example, if the data are in time units, you can select only AUTO, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR.
Default: AUTO. An appropriate interval is chosen based on the data and the column date/datetime/time format.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the TICKVALUELIST= option is used.
Tick interval
Default tick value format
automatically chosen
automatically chosen
10 days
7 days
1st and 16th of each month
3 months
6 months
[time axis]
specifies whether minor ticks are displayed.
Default: FALSE
Interaction: The number of minor ticks is dependent on the value of the INTERVAL= option.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the TICKVALUELIST= option is used or if the tick marks are not enabled by the DISPLAY= or DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
[time axis]
specifies whether to split the tick values on an X or X2 axis, if possible. This option is not available for a Y or Y2 axis. For example, with INTERVAL= MONTH, this is how tick values are split:
axis with split tick values
Default: TRUE
axis tick values are split into two lines allowing more tick values to appear
typically, fewer tick values fit, causing thinning, rotation, or staggering of the values. See the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY= option.
Interaction: This option is ignored if the TICKVALUELIST= or TICKVALUEFORMAT= option is used.
[time axis]
specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision on an X or X2 axis. This option is not available for a Y or Y2 axis.
Default: THIN
The collision-avoidance policy that is most effective depends on the number of tick values, their length, and the length of the axis. For an X or X2 axis, the policy can be one of the following:
THIN Some tick values are removed.
ROTATE Tick values are rotated 45 degrees.
ROTATETHIN Attempt ROTATE policy and then THIN policy.
STAGGER Tick values alternate between two rows.
STAGGERROTATE Attempt STAGGER policy and then ROTATE policy.
STAGGERTHIN Attempt STAGGER policy and then THIN policy.
Interaction: When SPLITTICKVALUE= TRUE, this option is ignored and only the THIN policy is used.
[time axis]
specifies how to format the values for major tick marks.
Default: The default format used by the INTERVAL= option. The default does not apply if TICKVALUELIST= is specified.
A SAS date, time, or datetime format to control how the major tick values are displayed. This format must be in the same duration units as the data column(s) mapped to a time axis: TIME, DATE, or DATETIME and should be appropriate for the value of the INTERVAL= option. For example, if INTERVAL=MONTH and there are two years of data displayed on the axis, choosing TICKVALUEFORMAT=YEAR. would result in several ticks having the same year value.
Specifies that the SAS date, time, or datetime format associated with the data column assigned to the axis be used to control how the major tick values are displayed.
Restriction: GTL currently honors most but not every SAS format. For details, see SAS Formats Not Supported.
Interaction: If this option is specified, the SPLITTICKVALUE= option is ignored.
TICKVALUELIST=(time-constant-list | date-constant-list | datetime-constant-list | numeric-list)
[time axis]
specifies the tick values for a time axis as list.
Default: An internal algorithm determines the tick values.
Requirement: The list must be enclosed in parentheses and each item separated by a blank. The items in the list must be in the same duration units as the data mapped to the axis: TIME, DATE, or DATETIME. The values can be expressed as SAS TIME, DATE, or DATETIME constants (for example, "13:23"T, "11MAY06"D, or "11MAY06:13:23"DT) or their numeric equivalents.
Restriction: This option does not extend the data range of the axis. If the values fall within the default data range or that specified by the VIEWMIN= or VIEWMAX= options, they are used.
The values in the list are formatted according to the setting for the TICKVALUEFORMAT= option. If TICKVALUEFORMAT= is not used, the values are formatted according to the column format (the default TICKVALUEFORMAT value is not applied to these values).
Interaction: If this option is specified, the SPLITTICKVALUE= and INTERVAL=options are ignored.
VIEWMAX= number
[time axis]
specifies the maximum data value to include in the display. For more information, see Adjusting the Axis View.
Default: The maximum value in the data for the specified axis.
Setting a VIEWMAX= or VIEWMIN= value does not alter the original data or any calculations on it.
VIEWMIN= number
[time axis]
specifies the minimum data value to include in the display. For more information, see Adjusting the Axis View.
Default: The minimum value in the data for the specified axis.
Setting a VIEWMAX= or VIEWMIN= value does not alter the original data or any calculations on it.