Example Program and Statement Details

Example Graph

The following graph was generated by the Example Program:
Example Graph with Layout Region

Example Program

proc template;
  define statgraph layoutregion;
      entrytitle "Average Weight by Age";
      layout region;   
        piechart category=age response=weight /
          stat=mean name="p"
          datalabelcontent=(response) datalabellocation=outside;
        discretelegend "p" / title="Age" across=2
          border=true halign=right valign=top;     

proc sgrender data=sashelp.class template=layoutregion;

Statement Summary

The REGION layout provides a container for graphs that do not use axes. Within the LAYOUT REGION block, you can specify a single plot statement of a type that never uses axes, such as a PIECHART. If multiple plot statements are specified, only the first one is honored. You can also specify one or more insets, such as nested layout statements (for example, LAYOUT GRIDDED), ENTRY statements, and legend statements (CONTINUOUSLEGEND or DISCRETELEGEND). For example, you could specify a PIECHART statement with a DISCRETELEGEND statement and an ENTRY statement. You can also nest one or more layout blocks within the REGION layout. For example, you could nest a LAYOUT GRIDDED statement that creates a small table of text.
To control the horizontal and vertical positioning of some insets, you can use the inset statement’s HALIGN= or VALIGN= options. Each nested inset determines its own relative position in the parent REGION. This positioning achieves the best results for text-based insets whose size can be easily fit within an open area of the graph wall. A large text-based inset might not fit well, and an inset that contains a plot might be dropped from the display without warning when the template is executed. For more information about how child positions are determined in an overlay-type or region layout, see the LAYOUT OVERLAY’s Example Program and Statement Details.
When nested within another layout type, such as a GRIDDED or LATTICE layout, the REGION layout defines the graphical display for one cell of the parent layout. A separate REGION layout is specified for each cell.


Statement Option
Specifies the color of the layout background.
Specifies whether a border is drawn around the layout.
Specifies the properties of the border line.
Specifies whether the layout background is opaque or transparent.
Specifies the amount of extra space that is added inside the layout border.
BACKGROUNDCOLOR=style-reference | color
specifies the color of the layout background.
Default: The GraphBackground:Color style reference.
A reference in the form style-element:style-attribute. Only the style-attribute named COLOR is used.
Interaction: OPAQUE=TRUE must be in effect for the color to be seen. By default, OPAQUE=FALSE.
specifies whether a border is drawn around the layout.
Default: FALSE
Interaction: If this option is set to FALSE, the BORDERATTRS option is ignored.
BORDERATTRS=style-element | style-element (line-options) | (line-options)
specifies the attributes of the border line around the layout. See General Syntax for Attribute Options for the syntax on using a style-element and Line Options for available line-options.
Default: The GraphBorderLines style element.
Interaction: BORDER=TRUE must be set for this option to have any effect.
OPAQUE= boolean
specifies whether the layout background is opaque (TRUE) or transparent (FALSE).
Default: FALSE
Interaction: When this option is set to FALSE, the background color is not used.
PAD=dimension | (pad-options)
specifies the amount of extra space that is added inside the layout border.
Default: The default padding for all sides is 0. Values without units are in pixels (px). A unit must be provided if other than pixels.
Specifies a dimension to use for the extra space at the left, right, top, and bottom of the layout border.
Enables separate settings for the left, right, top, and bottom padding dimensions. Use the pad-options to create non-uniform padding. These options must be enclosed in parentheses. Each option is specified as a name = value pair. Sides not assigned padding are padded with the default amount.
Values without units are in pixels (px). A unit must be provided if other than pixels.
LEFT=dimension specifies the amount of extra space added to the left side.
RIGHT=dimension specifies the amount of extra space added to the right side.
TOP=dimension specifies the amount of extra space added to the top.
BOTTOM=dimension specifies the amount of extra space added to the bottom.