Changing the Properties of a Network Graph

Change the Properties of a Network Graph

The properties of a network graph determine features such as colors, line widths for links, the layout algorithm used for the graph, and behavior of the lens tool.
Note: Any changes that you make to a graph's properties remain in effect only while the current project is open. If you close and then reopen the project, the properties revert to their default values.
To change a network graph’s properties:
  1. Right-click on the graph you want to change.
  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Graph Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.
  3. Change the settings for the graph.
    The Properties dialog box contains several tabs that organize the properties you can change:

Graph Tab

Graph tab
The Graph tab in the Properties dialog box contains the following items:
You can select the background color for the graph and the color that is used for graph labels. Click the color selection buttons Ellipsis button for Background and Labels to open the Color dialog box for each. The Color dialog box contains colors to choose from and the option to define your own color. For help using the Color dialog box, see Using the Color Dialog Box.
To change the font used for the labels, click Font and then use the Font dialog box to select a font type and font characteristics such as size and color.
Line Widths
By default, all links are one pixel in width. Select the Line Width check box to set up to three different link widths.
This section uses a color spectrum to display the link colors, and lists the variable that is used to determine those colors. (You set this variable in the Edit Data Attributes dialog box. See Specify Data Attributes.)
Use the sliders to set the boundaries between the different line width levels. Use the arrows to the right of the list boxes to increase or decrease the width of the lines. The Level-1 and Level-2 sliders enable you to set two line-width levels for particular link colors. As you drag a slider across the color spectrum, the respective links change the width of their lines.

Layout Tab

Layout tab
Regardless of the layout pattern you are using for a graph, you can fine tune the layout by adjusting its layout tuning algorithm. A layout tuning algorithm adjusts the current node layout in a prescribed manner in an attempt to create a more visually useful layout. When you first create a network graph, you might not know which layout algorithm is best for your graph, so it’s often helpful to explore the available algorithms.
From the Layout Algorithm list box, select one of the following algorithms:
  • Swap chooses two nodes at random and determines whether it would be beneficial to swap or exchange the location of those two nodes. You specify the number of iterations that the algorithm should run by selecting the number from the Number of Iterations list box.
  • Force is more complex than Swap, and applies a multi-level force algorithm to attempt to improve the layout. The algorithm is computationally intensive, so you should be conservative when entering the number of iterations for this option.
Click Run to apply the algorithm to your graph. You can run the algorithm multiple times to see different layouts. The Force algorithm typically changes the layout each time you click Run.
The Swap algorithm might or might not change the layout when you click Run, depending on the following factors:
  • the number of iterations you specified
  • the number of nodes and links in your graph
  • the fundamental structure of the graph
Note: After you click Run, any changes made to the layout cannot be undone by clicking the Cancel button. However, the Cancel button cancels all other changes made in the properties dialog box.
For information about the layout patterns available for network graphs, see About Network Graphs. To change a graph's layout pattern, see Change the Layout of a Network Graph.

Lens Tab

Lens tab
The Lens tab enables you to set properties for the lens tool, which transforms (magnifies and warps) the region of the graph near the cursor. The Lens tab contains the following items:
Select the type of transformation that the lens tool uses:
  • Radial applies the lens radially around the cursor.
  • Orthogonal applies the lens along an X and a Y axis.
  • Linear and Non-Linear combines two types of transformations into one lens. The points closest to the cursor are zoomed using a linear transformation (all are moved the same amount). The points farther away from the cursor are scaled using a nonlinear technique. The effect is that the farther away the point is from the cursor, the less zoom it gets. Changing the Fixed Radius value controls where the demarcation line is between the linear and the nonlinear transformation.
Select a button to set the range of the transformation from the center of focus. This setting controls the size of the lens. Select Entire if you want the warped portion to cover the entire graph. Select Fixed Radius to specify in pixels the portion of the graph that is to be warped. The default value is 100 pixels. If you select a Linear or Non-Linear lens type, then Fixed Radius is the only option available.
The Warp slider enables you to set the relative weight given to the transformed node location with respect to the original location. Move the slider to the left for less warping, or to the right for more warping.
Use the Magnification list box to set the relative power of the transformation. You can increase magnification of the warped portion of the graph by selecting a higher value. The default value is 2.