GREMOVE Procedure

About the Input Map Data Set

The input map data set must be in a SAS data set format (see About Map Data Sets) and it must contain these variables:
  • a numeric variable named X that contains the horizontal coordinates of the map boundary points.
  • a numeric variable named Y that contains the vertical coordinates of the map boundary points.
  • one or more variables that uniquely identify the current unit areas in the map. These variables are listed in the ID statement. Each group of observations with a different ID variable value is evaluated as a separate unit area.
  • one or more variables that identify the new unit areas to be created in the output map data set. These variables are listed in the BY statement.
It might also contain the variable SEGMENT, which is used to distinguish non-conterminous segments of the same unit areas. Other variables might exist in the input map data set, but they do not affect the GREMOVE procedure and they will not be carried into the output map data set.