GANNO Procedure

Example 2: Storing Annotate Graphics


PROC GANNO statement options DESCRIPTION=, GOUT=, and NAME=

Sample library member: GANSQUAR
This example creates an Annotate data set that draws four colored squares, displays the data set as a single graphics output, and stores the output as a catalog entry in a permanent catalog. In this example, the NAME= option specifies a text string that identifies the name that is stored with the graphics output in the catalog.
Four Squares
Four Squares


goptions reset=all border;
data squares;
   length function style color $ 8 text $ 15;
   xsys="3"; ysys="3";
   function="move"; x=10; y=65; output;
   function="bar";  x=30; y=95; style="solid"; output;
   function="label"; x=10; y=63; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Green"; output;
   function="move"; x=60; y=65; output;
   function="bar";  x=80; y=95; output;
   function="label"; x=60; y=63; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Red"; output;
   function="move"; x=10; y=15; output;
   function="bar";  x=30; y=45; output;
   function="label"; x=10; y=12; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Blue"; output;
   function="move"; x=60; y=15; output;
   function="bar";  x=80; y=45; output;
   function="label"; x=60; y=12; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Gray"; output;
   x=88; y=5; position="5"; size=1.5; style="swiss";
      text="GANSQUAR"; output;
   function="frame"; color="red"; when="b";
      style="empty"; output;
proc ganno annotate=squares
   description="Four squares";

Program Description

Set the graphics environment.
goptions reset=all border;
Create the Annotate data set, SQUARES. XSYS and YSYS specify coordinate system 3 (percent of the graphics output area) for X and Y.
data squares;
   length function style color $ 8 text $ 15;
   xsys="3"; ysys="3";
Draw the first square. The COLOR variable assigns the color for the square. The FUNCTION variable selects the operation to be performed by the Annotate facility. The X and Y variables contain coordinate values. The BAR function draws the square. When the STYLE variable is used with the BAR function, it selects the fill pattern for the bar.
   function="move"; x=10; y=65; output;
   function="bar";  x=30; y=95; style="solid"; output;
Label the first square. The LABEL function creates the label. The POSITION value of 6 left-justifies the text with respect to X and Y. The TEXT variable specifies the text string to be written.
   function="label"; x=10; y=63; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Green"; output;
Draw and label the second square.
   function="move"; x=60; y=65; output;
   function="bar";  x=80; y=95; output;
   function="label"; x=60; y=63; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Red"; output;
Draw and label the third square.
   function="move"; x=10; y=15; output;
   function="bar";  x=30; y=45; output;
   function="label"; x=10; y=12; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Blue"; output;
Draw and label the fourth square.
   function="move"; x=60; y=15; output;
   function="bar";  x=80; y=45; output;
   function="label"; x=60; y=12; position="6";
      style="swissb"; size=2; text="Gray"; output;
Add a footnote.
   x=88; y=5; position="5"; size=1.5; style="swiss";
      text="GANSQUAR"; output;
Draw a red frame.
   function="frame"; color="red"; when="b";
      style="empty"; output;
Display the annotate graphics. GOUT= assigns the catalog in which the graphics output is stored. NAME= assigns a name to the entry stored in the WORK.EXCAT catalog. DESCRIPTION= assigns a description to the catalog entry.
proc ganno annotate=squares
   description="Four squares";